Was supposed to rain all day, so I’d prepared for dog and me to get wet. Welp, when we got to the trailhead, the sky was overcast, the air was damp, a wind was blowing—but no rain. We hiked our usual trails for nearly two hours, but the only wet we got was by brushing against trailside bushes.
Most notable this morning was the croak of a raven I heard within a couple of minutes of our arrival. Trees all around, I couldn’t see it. I wanted badly to see it. The raven continued to vocalize—changing its cries from croaks to wails—as we ascended the hill, its sounds coming from somewhere near the summit. Could not see it. Finally, it must’ve seen us below and took flight.
I grabbed a photo.
It was a truly lovely, bracing, invigorating hike. Soon after our return home, it began to rain. Just now, in evening, it’s still raining. Tomorrow, though, the sun’s supposed to make an appearance.
Beech Hill List Starting at 7:09 a.m. EST (8:09 DST), I hiked all trails.
1. American Crow* 2. Common Raven 3. Black-capped Chickadee (v) 4. American Goldfinch 5. Northern Cardinal (v) 6. Song Sparrow* 7. Common Yellowthroat (v) 8. Eastern Bluebird (v) 9. American Robin (v) 10. Savannah Sparrow 11. Gray Catbird** 12. Eastern Towhee 13. Eastern Wood-pewee (v) 14. Tufted Titmouse (v) 15. Cooper’s Hawk 16. Cedar Waxwing
Another sunny morn, a bit chillier than yesterday but with less wind. And another slow start up the wooded trail—and, yes, another surpringly nice batch of spring birds.
Most noteworthy were two first-of-year Eastern Kingbirds hanging about in the blueberry barrens, catching flies. A total of forty-three species was also nice. And the very last bird of the day: a Broad-winged Hawk in the woods, staring down the photographer.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 6:31 a.m. sun time (7:31 DST), I hiked all trails.
Blue sky, cool temps, and a nice breeze greeted dog and me as we started up the wooded trail. Plenty of birds were there to greet us, too.
It didn’t seem at first that I’d have much of a list, but the higher we got, the more birds I saw or heard. And then—as has happened in recent days—we hiked a ways down the Erickson Fields trail down toward Beech Hill Road and added a bunch more species.
Notable today was a first-of-year Canada Warbler. I didn’t get a look at it, but the Merlin app insisted that’s what made the quick little jumble of a warble I was hearing across the road—and after we got home I matched my GoPro recording with the Cornell Labs’. (Wish I’d got a peek.)
Similar weather expected tomorrow. Will I encounter another first of year?
Beech Hill List Beginning at 6:31 a.m. sun time (7:31 DST), I hiked all trails.