Savannah sparrow with mantis.
Thanks to my friends Liz and Daniel, Jack and I made it up to Beech Hill together for the first time in nine days. (Turns out a broken collarbone will take you out of commission for a while.) Despite occasional rain today, the sun had actually emerged by the time we arrived. The hill had quite a few other hikers, along with folks stopping by to pick up organic Beech Hill Preserve brand blueberries. The greenery had thickened noticeably since my last walk up there. Tons of ripe blueberries.
Encountered several of my old avian friends—towhees and yellowthroats guarding late-season nests, flocks of waxwings flying over—along with a fleeting acquaintance or two, like a calling black-billed cuckoo. We saw a turkey vulture, a small flock of herring gulls, an alder flycatcher, and more waxwings. Couple of song sparrows. A Savannah with a mantis in its bill.
By the time we reached the summit, the sky had gone overcast and moody and lovely. Many sails out in the bay.
Only sixteen species on the hill today today, but that’s all right. Sure felt great to get back up there.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 3:15 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Black-capped chickadee
2. American goldfinch
3. Eastern towhee
4. Common yellowthroat
5. Cedar waxwing
6. Black-billed cuckoo (v)
7. Song sparrow**
8. Savannah sparrow
9. Turkey vulture
10. Alder flycatcher
11. Herring gull*
12. American robin (v)
13. Gray catbird (v)
14. Red-eyed vireo (v)
15. White-breasted nuthatch (v)
16. Mourning dove* (v)
17. House sparrow (v)
18. American crow
19. Double-crested cormorant
20. Great black-backed gull
21. Mallard
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere