16 January 2025

Archive for January, 2017

Winter Cold

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017
Bird fluff, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 31 January 2017.

Bird fluff.

Back of shrike, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 31 January 2017.

Back of shrike.

Winter cold for a change. Alone on the hill this morning—alone with dog, and chickadees, and shrike, and a half dozen other bird species. Snow tomorrow, or so I hear.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 9:15 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Black-capped Chickadee**
2. American Robin*
3. American Crow* (v)
4. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)
5. Tufted Titmouse (v)
6. Northern Flicker
7. Northern Shrike
8. Downy Woodpecker


9. Herring Gull
10. Red-tailed Hawk
11. Mallard
12. Rock Pigeon

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


In a Winter Without Snow

Monday, January 30th, 2017
American Robin, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 30 January 2017.

American Robin.

In a winter without snow
on a day so cold the ground is hard
robins deign to dine on fruit
of the apple tree across the road.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 9:15 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. American Robin*
2. Black-capped Chickadee**
3. Purple Finch (v)
4. White-breasted Nuthatch** (v)
5. Tufted Titmouse (v)
6. American Crow* (v)
7. Hairy Woodpecker
8. Blue Jay (v)
9. Herring Gull
10. Pileated Woodpecker

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Creeper and Shrike

Sunday, January 29th, 2017
Brown Creeper, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 29 January 2017.

Brown Creeper.

Northern Shrike, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 29 January 2017.

Northern Shrike.

[Sounds law a corporate partnership: Creeper & Shrike LLC.]

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 8:30 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Black-capped Chickadee**
2. White-breasted Nuthatch
3. Blue Jay
4. Tufted Titmouse (v)
5. Brown Creeper
6. American Crow* (v)
7. American Robin
8. Northern Shrike
9. Herring Gull
10. Downy Woodpecker (v)


11. Red-tailed Hawk
12. Rock Pigeon

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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