8 February 2025

Archive for July, 2022


Sunday, July 31st, 2022
Chipping Sparrow (juvie), Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 31 July 2022.
Chipping Sparrow (juvie).

Three years ago today, I was hauling a trailer full of my (and Jack’s) belongings and moving to Salt Lake City. Three months ago, we returned—and glad we did. [Not that I didn’t enjoy the high desert.] Today was a good representation of why: a cool morning hike, clean, fragrant air, many birds to observe, a long view of the bay.

Notable today were three woodpecker species that made their presences known within a few minutes of each other, several bird families (adults and juvies, among them nuthatches, sparrows, waxwings), and crows chasing a hawk.

Loved this morning, and looking forward to the next.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 7:15 a.m., I hiked most trails.

1. Red-eyed Vireo**
2. American Crow*
3. Song Sparrow**
4. Black-throated Green Warbler (v)
5. Black-capped Chickadee (v)
6. Ovenbird
7. American Goldfinch
8. Eastern Towhee
9. Hermit Thrush
10. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)
11. Black-and-white Warbler (v)
12. Tufted Titmouse (v)
13. Brown Creeper (v)
14. American Robin
15. Hairy Woodpecker
16. Downy Woodpecker (v)
17. Red-bellied Woodpecker (v)
18. Eastern Towhee
19. Alder Flycatcher (v)
20. Common Yellowthroat
21. Gray Catbird
22. Chestnut-sided Warbler
23. Cedar Waxwing
24. Chipping Sparrow
25. Field Sparrow
26. Savannah Sparrow
27. Blue-headed Vireo
28. Blue Jay (v)
29. House Wren (v)
30. Herring Gull*
31. Broad-winged Hawk
32. Turkey Vulture
33. Yellow Warbler (v)
34. Red-breasted Nuthatch (v)


35. Mourning Dove


Eastern Gray Squirrel

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere



Saturday, July 30th, 2022
Eastern Bluebird (juvie), Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 30 July 2022.
Eastern Bluebird (juvie).

Overcast to start this morning, but clearing pretty quickly. Yesterday’s soaking rains—welcome though they were—left few traces other than a couple little washouts and a good swarm of mosquitoes. (Trails still pretty dry.)

Not so many birds today, either—although a couple juvies were fun (bluebird, sapsucker)—but cool and breezy and lovely.

(The most memorable moment: spying—then devouring—my first-of-year wild blackberry. Yum!)

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 7:26 a.m., I hiked all trails.

1. Red-eyed Vireo**
2. American Crow*
3. American Goldfinch**
4. Black-throated Green Warbler (v)
5. Gray Catbird
6. Tufted Titmouse (v)
7. Eastern Wood-pewee
8. Hermit Thrush
9. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)
10. American Robin
11. Eastern Towhee
12. Black-capped Chickadee
13. Alder Flycatcher (v)
14. Field Sparrow
15. Common Yellowthroat
16. Song Sparrow
17. Cedar Waxwing
18. Yellow Warbler (v)
19. Savannah Sparrow
20. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
21. Blue Jay (v)
22. Eastern Bluebird
23. House Wren (v)
24. Northern Flicker


25. Mourning Dove
26. Northern Cardinal
27. Chipping Sparrow

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Many Towhees

Friday, July 29th, 2022
Eastern Towhee (fem), Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine 29 July 2022.
Eastern Towhee (fem).

An early hike after some heavy, soaking rain last evening. Wetness in the understory, a tiny bit of mud, clear skies, good birds—an auspicious time of it for dog and me.

Many, many towhees today. Adults and juveniles (the size of adults)

One noteworthy incident: While I angled to photograph a robin across a field, a hummingbird sped by within a foot of me at about 80 miles an hour—directly in front of me. I heard the hum, the hummer vanished, and a latter check of my GoPro footage caught the bird as it zipped by.

Another soaking of rain this late afternoon. Downpour, sun, downpour, sun. It’s how we do it on the coast of Maine.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 7:07 a.m., I hiked all trails.

1. Red-eyed Vireo
2. Blue Jay (v)
3. American Crow*
4. American Goldfinch**
5. Black-throated Green Warbler (v)
6. Northern Cardinal* (v)
7. Cedar Waxwing
8. Black-capped Chickadee**
9. Eastern Wood-pewee
10. Hairy Woodpecker
11. White-breasted Nuthatch
12. Tufted Titmouse
13. Brown Creeper
14. Hermit Thrush
15. Black-and-white Warbler
16. Eastern Towhee
17. Song Sparrow**
18. Alder Flycatcher
19. Common Yellowthroat**
20. Yellow Warbler
21. Gray Catbird
22. House Wren (v)
23. Purple Finch (v)
24. Savannah Sparrow
25. American Robin
26. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
27. Field Sparrow
28. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
29. Eastern Phoebe
30. Northern Flicker


30. Mourning Dove
31. Osprey (v)
32. Herring Gull

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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