8 February 2025

Archive for August, 2019


Saturday, August 31st, 2019
Cooper’s Hawk, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 31 August 2019.
Portrait of Cooper’s Hawk.

During this morning’s lovely hike, dog and I got a very close look at a pair of Cooper’s Hawks. One, in fact, flew right up close (trailed by ever-alert hummingbirds) and posted for pictures.

Grandeur Peak Area List
Beginning at 8:15 a.m., I hiked a few hundred feet up the mountain.

1. Woodhouse’s Scrub Jay (v)
2. Mourning Dove
3. House Finch*
4. Black-capped Chickadee**
5. Spotted Towhee
6. Cooper’s Hawk
7. Red-breasted Nuthatch (v)
8. House Wren
9. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (v)
10. American Goldfinch*


11. Black-billed Magpie
12. Eurasian Collared Dove
13. California Quail
14. Rock Pigeon
15. House Sparrow

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Saturday, August 31st, 2019
black-billed magpie
Black-billed Magpie.

Before moving to Utah, I asked a birder friend about what species I might expect in the Salt Lake City area. “Magpies,” came the reply. “Lots and lots of magpies.”

And it was true. They’re all over the place, flitting about in roving gangs, gleaning food from any old place, yesterday evening picking at the little rubber nubs on the tire of my truck. I know their voices now, and some of their behavior. They’re smart, playful, daring—and have been known to behave annoyingly.

I kinda like ’em, though.

East Millcreek List
No mountain hike today, but here’s what I saw and/or heard.

1. House Sparrow
2. Eurasian Collared Dove
3. Black-billed Magpie
4. House Finch
5. Black-capped Chickadee (v)
6. Lesser Goldfinch
7. California Quail
8. Mourning Dove
9. Rock Pigeon

v = Voice only

A Nice Morning

Friday, August 30th, 2019
Spotted Towhee, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 29 August 2019.
Spotted Towhee.
Broad-tailed Hummingbird (immature/female), East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 29 August 2019.
Broad-tailed Hummingbird.

Another lovely morning hike up the mountainside. No extraordinary bird activity, but enough—towhees, jays, finches, gnatcatchers. Quail in the yard, of course.

And a solitary kestrel at the end of the day.

Grandeur Peak Area List
Beginning at 8:30 a.m., I hiked a few hundred feet up the mountain.

1. House Finch*
2. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay**
3. Black-billed Magpie*
4. Spotted Towhee
5. Black-capped Chickadee (v)
6. Lesser Goldfinch* (v)
7. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
8. Mourning Dove*


9. House Sparrow
10. Eurasian Collared Dove
11. California Quail
12. Broad-tailed Hummingbird
13. American Kestrel

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere

Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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