Archive for May, 2022
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022
Prairie Warbler’s stickin’ around.
The Prairie Warbler persists. Several years ago, when I heard (then saw) my first Prairie Warbler at Beech Hill, it was above all a thrill. A “rare” sighting, a lovely singer, a pretty little jewel of a bird. Then a couple-three years later, I began to hear more of them singing during spring migration.
And then I moved to Utah. Not quite three years later, I’m back. And Prairie Warblers are, too.
Jack-my-dog and I began hiking the Beech Hill trails again on 01 May, and in the month since, I’ve heard and/or seen Prairie Warblers most days, I think. One in particular seems to have decided to take up residence. I suspect it’s yet another sign of the changing climate, the changing ranges of birds of various kinds.
On the one hand, it’s a delight to see and hear this cool bird regularly; on the other… What have we humans wrought?
Beech Hill List Beginning at 8:28 a.m., I hiked most trails.
1. Red-eyed Vireo** 2. Ovenbird** 3. Black-throated Green Warbler** (v) 4. Common Yellowthroat (v) 5. Tufted Titmouse (v) 6. American Crow* 7. Veery 8. Northern Cardinal* (v) 9. Hairy Woodpecker (v) 10. Gray Catbird* 11. Black-capped Chickadee (v) 12. Chestnut-sided Warbler** 13. American Redstart** 14. American Goldfinch** (v) 15. Pileated Woodpecker (v) 16. Eastern Towhee 17. Eastern Wood-pewee (v) 18. Black-and-white Warbler (v) 19. Alder Flycatcher 20. Yellow Warbler 21. Song Sparrow** (v) 22. Field Sparrow 23. Cedar Waxwing 24. Prairie Warbler 25. Eastern Bluebird 26. Herring Gull* 27. Black-billed Cuckoo (v) 28. Purple Finch 29. Chipping Sparrow** 30. American Robin* 31. Hermit Thrush (v)
32. Mallard 33. European Starling 34. Rock Pigeon
(v) Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere †First-of-year
Tags: alder flycatcher , American crow , American goldfinch , American redstart , American robin , black-and-white warbler , black-billed cuckoo , black-capped chickadee , black-throated green warbler , Cedar waxwing , chestnut-sided warbler , chipping sparrow , common yellowthroat , eastern bluebird , eastern towhee , eastern wood-pewee , European starling , field sparrow , gray catbird , hermit thrush , herring gull , iry woodpecker , mallard , northern cardinal , ovenbird , pileated woodpecker , prairie , purple finch , rock pigeon , song sparrow , tufted titmouse , veery , warbler , yellow warbler Posted in Lists , Observations , Photo | No Comments »
Monday, May 30th, 2022
Osprey courtship.
This day—Memorial Day—was a warm one. Quite a few other people and dogs on the trails, soaking up the summerish smells and feels. And conversations. Also birds. Many birds. Including a pair of Ospreys in a typical Osprey courtship display, involving fish carrying and a lot of screaming.
For being so warm, it was pretty cool.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 7:51 a.m., I hiked most trails.
1. Red-eyed Vireo** 2. Ovenbird** 3. Black-throated Green Warbler (v) 4. Eastern Phoebe* 5. Northern Cardinal** 6. Veery (v) 7. Gray Catibrd (v) 8. Tufted Titmouse (v) 9. Black-capped Chickadee 10. Eastern Wood-pewee 11. American Redstart** 12. Chestnut-sided Warbler 13. Blue Jay 14. Ruffed Grouse (booming) 15. Black-and-white Warbler (v) 16. Common Yellowthroat 17. Alder Flycatcher 18. Eastern Towhee (v) 19. American Crow* 20. Yellow Warbler 21. Herring Gull* 22. Northern Flicker (v) 23. Black-billed Cuckoo (v) 24. American Goldfinch 25. American Robin* (v) 26. Tree Swallow 27. Song Sparrow** 28. Field Sparrow 29. Savannah Sparrow (v) 30. Turkey Vulture 31. Prairie Warbler (v) 32. Red-breasted Nuthatch 33. Osprey 34. Chipping Sparrow** (v) 35. Hermit Thrush (v) 36. Red-bellied Woodpecker (v)
37. Mallard 38. Wild Turkey
Eastern Chipmunk Gray Squirrel
(v) Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere †First-of-year
Tags: alder flycatcher , American crow , American goldfinch , American redstart , American robin , black-and-white warbler , black-billed cuckoo , black-capped chickadee , black-throated green warbler , blue jay , chestnut-sided warbler , chipping sparrow , common yellowthroat , eastern phoebe , eastern towhee , eastern wood-pewee , field sparrow , gray catbird , hermit thrush , herring gull , mallard , northern cardinal , northern flicker , osprey , ovenbird , prairie warbler , red-bellied woodpecker , red-breasted nuthatch , red-eyed vireo , ruffed grouse , savannah sparrow , tree swallow song sparrow , tufted titmouse , turkey vulture , veery , wild turkey , yellow warbler Posted in Lists , Observations , Photo | No Comments »
Sunday, May 29th, 2022
American Redstart (first-year male).
Ahhh, what a lovely morning. Bright, warm, slight breeze, birds—also, after a while, some people. In fact, a couple of the people were folks I’d known before moving to Utah, so there was a little catching up. I did have to pick up somebody’s trash and move a bench from the grass back up to the Beech Nut veranda.
But I don’t too much mind cleaning up after my fellow humans.
Birds galore. Got a nice pic of a not-quite-mature redstart. Heard a cuckoo. Also heard a raven. Saw and heard three (three!) Broad-winged Hawks circling above the barrens.
I imagine tomorrow’s will be a similarly fruitful morning.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 8:03 a.m., I hiked most trails.
1. Red-eyed Vireo** (v) 2. Ovenbird** (v) 3. Black-throated Green Warbler (v) 4. Gray Catbird 5. Northern Cardinal** (v) 6. Black-capped Chickadee (v) 7. Veery (v) 8. American Redstart 9. Black-billed Cuckoo (v) 10. Common Raven (v) 11. Chestnut-sided Warbler 12. Eastern Wood-pewee 13. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (v) 14. American Goldfinch 15. Common Yellowthroat 16. Black-and-white Warbler (v) 17. Alder Flycatcher 18. Yellow Warbler 19. Song Sparrow 20. Eastern Towhee (v) 21. Field Sparrow 22. Eastern Phoebe* 23. Chipping Sparrow (v) 24. Tree Swallow 25. Eastern Bluebird (v) 26. Savannah Sparrow 27. Blue Jay (v) 28. American Crow* (v) 29. Prairie Warbler 30. Broad-winged Hawk 31. Tufted Titmouse 32. Blue-headed Vireo (v) 33. Hermit Thrush (v) 34. Herring Gull* (v) 35. Northern Flicker (v)
36. Mallard
Eastern Chipmunk
(v) Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere †First-of-year
Tags: alder flycatcher , American crow , American goldfinch , American redstart , black-and-white warbler , black-billed cuckoo , black-capped chickadee , black-throated green warbler , blue jay , blue-headed vireo , broad-winged hawk , chestnuyt-sided warbler , chipping sparrow , common raven , common yellowthroat , eastern bluebird , eastern chipmunk , eastern phoebe , eastern towhee , eastern wood-pewee , field sparrow , gray catbird , hermit thrush , herring gull , mallard , northern cardinal , northern flicker , ovenbird , prairie warbler , red-eyed vireo , rose-breasted grosbeak , savannah sparrow , song sparrow , tree swallow , tufted titmouse , veery , yellow warbler Posted in Lists , Observations , Photo | No Comments »
Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. Brian Willson