Another Beech Hill hike without Jack-my-dog (again we walked from the house to the Wellness Trail later), which still seems extremely weird. However, a little excitement on the hill. For one thing, I counted thirty-six species today.
In reviewing this total later, I realized I’d skipped a number. However, I happened upon a blurry photo, quickly snapped, that showed a bird I could not identify. Checked with an expert ID friend, who pronounced it a female Indigo Bunting. Also got nice pics of a yellowthroat for a change and encountered a Snowshoe Hare.
Another sunny one forecast for tomorrow, but rain’s gonna come this weekend—and continue all the following week. (Frankly, we can use it.)
Beech Hill List Beginning at 6:00 a.m. sun time (7:00 DST), I hiked all trails, and then some.
Another two-hike day: one for me (Beech Hill) and one for Jack (the Wellness Trail). That’s a load of steps for me, but an easier time of it for my good ol’ dog. Good birds in both places—leafy green in deep spring—but my list here will stick to the Beech Hill hike.
Firsts-of-year are likely over with this spring—a thing that’s seemed to happen a little early (perhaps even earlier than last year)—but plenty of busy, territorial, shy, musical avian species.
Supposed to be a warmer one tomorrow. It’s exciting not to know what surprises will come.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 6:37 a.m. sun time (7:37 DST), I hiked all trails, and then some.
1. Red-eyed Vireo** 2. Ovenbird** 3. Black-throated Green Warbler** 4. Eastern Phoebe* 5. Black-capped Chickadee** (v) 6. Veery (v) 7. Eastern Towhee 8. Blue Jay 9. American Goldfinch (v) 10. Gray Catbird* 11. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (v) 12. Eastern Wood-pewee (v) 13. Hairy Woodpecker (v) 14. Northern Cardinal** (v) 15. White-breasted Nuthatch (v) 16. Tufted Titmouse (v) 17. Brown Creeper (v) 18. American Crow* 19. Black-and-white Warbler (v) 20. Chestnut-sided Warbler** 21. Common Yellowthroat** 22. Field Sparrow (v) 23. Yellow Warbler 24. Alder Flycatcher 25. Downy Woodpecker 26. Song Sparrow** 27. Cedar Waxwing (v) 28. Eastern Bluebird 29. Chipping Sparrow** 30. Scarlet Tanager (v) 31. Red-winged Blackbird (v) 32. Least Flycatcher (v) 33. American Redstart* (v) 34. American Robin (v) 35. Purple Finch (v)
Captain Jack, age 15, has been limping a little (front foot), so I made the hard decision to let him sit out this morning’s hike for the first time in years. A very hard decision.
Memorial Day was sunny and cool and breezy, and people were out and about, and so were birds. Most notable was probably the individual Cedar Waxwing I spied at the summit. Only the second waxwing sighting of the year—although more will show up in summer for the annual fly hatch up there.
Felt bad that dog didn’t get a hike, and a friend suggested a short trail near the house, which we three hiked in afternoon. Jack liked the new smells. We’ll do more of that going forward, for sure.
Supposed to start warming up again. We shall see.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 6:08 a.m. sun time (7:08 DST), I hiked all trails, and then some.