16 February 2025

2011 List

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

Long-tailed duck, Rockland Breakwater, Rockland, Maine, 02 January 2011.

Long-tailed duck.

I’ve decided to keep track of the bird species I see during the course of each year. I’ll list what, where, and (approximately) when. So here they are (in order of appearance):

01 January 2011
1. American crow (Rockport, a.m.)
2. House sparrow (Rockport, a.m.)
3. Black-capped chickadee (Rockport, a.m.)
4. Herring gull (Rockport, a.m.)
5. Hairy woodpecker (Rockport, p.m.)
6. Northern flicker (Rockport, p.m.)
7. Brown creeper (Rockport, p.m.)

Barred owl, Beech Hill, Rockport, Maine, 04 January 2011.

Barred owl.

02 January 2011
8. Great black-backed gull (Rockland, p.m.)
9. Great cormorant (Rockland, p.m.)
10. Common loon (Rockland, p.m.)
11. Common eider (Rockland, p.m.)
12. Long-tailed duck (Rockland, p.m.)
13. Red-breasted merganser (Rockland, p.m.)
14. Black guillemot (Rockland, p.m.)
15. Mallard (Rockland, p.m.)

03 January 2011
16. Mourning dove (Rockport, p.m.)

04 January 2011
17. Barred owl
(Rockport, p.m.)
18. Northern cardinal
(Rockport, p.m.)

05 January 2011
19. Cooper’s hawk
(Rockport, a.m.)
20. American tree sparrow
(Rockport, p.m.)

Purple sandpiper, Rockland Breakwater, Rockland, Maine, 09 January 2011.

Purple sandpiper.

06 January 2011
21. Tufted titmouse (Rockport, a.m.)
22. Wild turkey
(Rockport, a.m.)

08 January 2011
23. Red-tailed hawk
(Rockport, a.m.)
24. Common redpoll
(Rockport, a.m.)
25. Common raven
(Rockport, p.m.)
26. White-breasted nuthatch
(Rockport, p.m.)

09 January 2011
27. Ring-billed gull (Rockland, p.m.)
28. Red-necked grebe (Rockland, p.m.)
29. Purple sandpiper (Rockland, p.m.)

10 January 2011
30. European starlin
g (Rockland, p.m.)

11 January 2011
31. Golden-crowned kinglet
(Rockport, p.m.)

14 January 2011
32. Blue jay (Rockport, p.m.)
33. Horned lark (Rockport, p.m.)
34. American robin
(Rockport, p.m.)
35. Rock pigeon (Rockland, p.m.)

15 January 2011
36. Black duck (Rockland, p.m.)
37. Canada goose
(Rockland, p.m.)

22 January 2011
38. Bohemian waxwing
(Rockport, p.m.)

23 January 2011
39. Dark-eyed junco (Rockport, p.m.)

28 January 2011
40. Pileated woodpecker (Rockport, p.m.)

04 February 2011
41. Northern shrike (Rockport, p.m.)

07 February 2011
42. American goldfinch (Rockport, a.m.)

09 February 2011
43. House finch (Rockport, a.m.)

16 February 2011
44. Turkey vulture (Rockland, p.m.)

17 February 2011
45. Purple finch
(Rockport, p.m.)

13 March 2011
46. Ruffed grouse (Rockport, p.m.)

15 March 2011
47. Song sparrow (Rockland, a.m.)

18 March 2011
48. Cedar waxwing (Rockport, a.m.)

19 March 2011
49. Fox sparrow (Rockport, p.m.)

20 March 2011
50. Red-winged blackbird (Rockport, a.m.)
51. American woodcock
(Rockport, p.m.)

28 March 2011
52. Rusty blackbird (Rockport, p.m.)

02 April 2011
53. American kestrel (Rockport, p.m.)

03 April 2011
54. Eastern phoebe (Rockport, a.m.)
55. Great horned owl
(Rockport, p.m.)

10 April 2011
56. Brown-headed cowbird
(Rockport, a.m.)
57. Great blue heron
(Rockport, a.m.)

13 April 2011
58. Osprey (Rockport, a.m.)

14 April 2011
59. Hermit thrush (Rockport, p.m.)

16 April 2011
60. Pine warbler (Rockport, p.m.)

17 April 2011
61. Red-shouldered hawk (Rockport, p.m.)

19 April 2011
62. Palm warbler (Rockport, p.m.)
63. Killdeer
(Rockport, p.m.)

20 April 2011
64. Yellow-rumped warbler (Rockport, p.m.)
65. Savannah sparrow
(Rockport, p.m.)

23 April 2011
66. Eastern towhee (Rockport, a.m.)
67. Double-crested cormorant
(Rockport, a.m.)

24 April 2011
68. White-throated sparrow (Rockport, a.m.)
69. Tree swallow (Rockport, a.m.)
70. Field sparrow (Rockport, a.m.)
71. Chipping sparrow (Camden, p.m.)

27 April 2011
72. Common grackle (Rockland, p.m.)

30 April 2011
73. Ovenbird (Rockport, a.m.)
74. Black-throated green warbler (Rockport, a.m.)
75. Chestnut-sided warbler (Rockport, a.m.)
76. Nashville warbler (Rockport, a.m.)
77. Gray catbird (Rockport, a.m.)
78. Ruby-crowned kinglet (Rockport, a.m.)
79. Black-and-white warbler (Rockport, a.m.)
80. Common yellowthroat (Rockport, a.m.)
81. Blue-headed vireo (Rockport, a.m.)

01 May 2011
82. Swamp sparrow (Rockport, a.m.)

02 May 2011
83. Broad-winged hawk (Rockport, a.m.)

06 May 2011
84. Veery (Rockport, a.m.)

07 May 2011
85. Rose-breasted grosbeak (Rockport, a.m.)
6. Yellow warbler (Rockport, a.m.)
87. Northern parula
(Owls Head, a.m.)
88. Greater yellowlegs (South Thomaston, a.m.)
89. Barn swallow
(South Thomaston, a.m.)

11 May 2011
90. Great crested flycatcher (Rockport, a.m.)

12. May 2011
91. Black-throated blue warbler (Rockport, a.m.)

13 May 2011
92. Least flycatcher (Rockport, a.m.)
93. American redstart
(Rockport, a.m.)
94. Magnolia warbler
(Rockport, a.m.)
95. Wood thrush
(Rockport, a.m.)

14 May 2011
96. Northern mockingbird
(Thomaston, a.m.)
97. Blackburnian warbler
(Cushing, a.m.)
98. Swainson’s thrush
(Rockport, p.m.)

15 May 2011
99. Bobolink (Hinckley, p.m.)
100. Eastern bluebird (Hinckley, p.m.)
101. Baltimore oriole (Hinckley, p.m.)
102. Ruby-throated hummingbird
(Hinckley, p.m.)
103. Blackpoll warbler (Rockport, p.m.)

21 May 2011
104. Red-eyed vireo
(Rockport, a.m.)

22 May 2011
105. Wilson’s warbler (Lincolnville, p.m.)
106. Belted kingfisher (Lincolnville, p.m.)
107. Scarlet tanager (Lincolnville, p.m.)

25 May 2011
108. Alder flycatcher (Rockport, a.m.)
109. Red-bellied woodpecker (Rockport, a.m.)
110. Eastern kingbird (Rockport, a.m.)
111. Tennessee warbler (Rockport, a.m.)
112. Laughing gull (Rockport, a.m.)
113. Common nighthawk
(Rockport, p.m.)

26 May 2011
114. Eastern wood-pewee (Rockport, a.m.)

27 May 2011
115. Eastern wood-pewee (Rockport, a.m.)

05 June 2011
116. Glossy ibis (Rockport, p.m.)

26 August 2011
117. Green heron (Rockport, p.m.)

24 September 2011
118. American golden-plover (Monhegan, p.m.)

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Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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