16 January 2025

Archive for September, 2016

Solitary Phoebe

Friday, September 30th, 2016
Eastern Phoebe, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 30 September 2016.

Eastern Phoebe.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 8:15 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Black-capped Chickadee**
2. Blue Jay (v)
3. Yellow-rumped Warbler
4. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
5. American Crow* (v)
6. Eastern Phoebe
7. Song Sparrow
8. Northern Flicker
9. American Goldfinch**
10. Eastern Towhee (v)
11. Red-breasted Nuthatch
12. Gray Catbird (v)
13. Purple Finch (v)
14. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)


15. Mourning Dove
16. Rock Pigeon
17. Herring Gull
18. House Sparrow

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Autumn Sparrows

Thursday, September 29th, 2016
Autumn Song Sparrow, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 29 September 2016.

Autumn Song Sparrow.

Flocks of sparrows were flitting about the raggedy fields and trail edges of Beech Hill when Jack and I hiked there this morning—and Yellow-rumped Warblers flitted and chased through the blue, near-cloudless skies.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 8:15 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

Chase of the Yellow-rumped Warblers, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 29 September 2016.

Chase of the Yellow-rumped Warblers.

1. American Robin (v)
2. Golden-crowned Kinglet (v)
3. Black-capped Chickadee**
4. Yellow-rumped Warbler
5. Blue Jay
6. Song Sparrow
7. American Goldfinch
8. Northern Flicker (v)
9. American Crow*
10. Savannah Sparrow
11. Eastern Towhee (v)
12. Merlin
13. Gray Catbird (v)
14. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)


15. Mourning Dove
16. Rock Pigeon
17. Herring Gull
18. House Sparrow

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Breezy Overcast

Wednesday, September 28th, 2016
Song Sparrow (and milkweed), Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 28 September 2016.

Song Sparrow (and milkweed).

A cool (low 50s (F)), breezy, overcast morning. Jack and I encountered a few interesting birds—and two excited, off-leash dogs. Most interesting, bird-wise, were more larks on the slopes and a skulking Dark-eyed Junco.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 8:30 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Blue Jay**
2. Yellow-rumped Warbler
3. Black-capped Chickadee
4. American Crow*
5. Northern Flicker
6. Horned Lark
7. Savannah Sparrow (v)
8. Song Sparrow
9. Eastern Towhee (v)
10. Gray Catbird (v)
11. Turkey Vulture
12. Dark-eyed Junco
13. White-breasted Nuthatch
14. Tufted Titmouse (v)


14. Barred Owl (v)
15. Herring Gull

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere



Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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