16 January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Steller’s jay’


Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Spotted Towhee, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 07 April 2022.
Spotted Towhee.

A morning much like yesterday’s, except entirely cloudless and a little bit warmer. Dry trails. And spring still wafting in the air.

No surprising migrants yet, but more kinglets, and another Steller’s Jay (voice only). A cottontail. Several deer still. Singers: towhees, kinglets, house finches, chickadees. Surprised a wild dove up in the foothills.

Tomorrow’s supposed to hit the 70s (F). Kinda looking forward to it.

Grandeur Peak Area List
At 7:58 a.m., sun time, I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.

1. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay**
2. American Robin*
3. Rock Pigeon*
4. House Finch* (v)
5. Spotted Towhee
6. Pine Siskin (v)
7. Song Sparrow* (v)
8. Northern Flicker
9. Black-capped Chickadee
10. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
11. Steller’s Jay (v)
12. Mourning Dove


13. Black-billed Magpie (v)
14. Lesser Goldfinch
15. House Sparrow (v)


Mountain Cottontail
Mule Deer

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
Steller’s Jay, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 06 April 2022.
Steller’s Jay.
American Robin, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 06 April 2022.
American Robin.

The temperature had risen to a nippy 33 degrees by the time Captain Jack and I began our hike this bright, clear morning. I wore a scarf, as there was a bit of a breeze. Wasn’t sure we’d encounter a lot of wildlife—but we sure enough did: fifteen bird species and sixteen deer.

Noteworthy among the birds was a Steller’s Jay, a solitary vulture, and two Cooper’s Hawks—clearly a male and female, and apparently the mating pair that’s occupied the nest above little Coyote Canyon for two years.

As I suspected, pretty much all the snow from yesterday was gone, and the trails were dry. Gonna warm up again in the comping days, too.

Kinda excited to see what spring migrants drop by.

Grandeur Peak Area List
At 7:58 a.m., sun time, I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.

1. American Robin*
2. Spotted Towhee
3. House Finch*
4. Rock Pigeon*
5. Pine Siskin**
6. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay
7. Dark-eyed Junco
8. Black-capped Chickadee
9. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
10. Common Raven (v)
11. Steller’s Jay
12. Cooper’s Hawk
13. Turkey Vulture
14. Song Sparrow* (v)
15. Black-billed Magpie**


16. Lesser Goldfinch (v)
17. House Sparrow (v)
18. Eurasian Collared-dove


Mule Deer
Rock Squirrel

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

Something changed overnight. The planet had another rotation, and because of its revolution around the sun, the photoperiod lengthened slightly. And a butterfly showed up this afternoon. A deer appeared in front of the house, ambling toward town. And the birds went just a little bit spring-crazy.

Scrub-jays looking for places to cache things. A Steller’s Jay in the junipers. Two solitaires up along the deer trails, but just one deer. First red-tail in a while. A random raven. Four mammals. At home, a pair quail this morning, and an eagle this afternoon. Temps on the rise.


Grandeur Peak Area List
At 8:06 a.m. (9:06 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.

1. Northern Flicker
2. House Finch*
3. Dark-eyed Junco
4. Rock Pigeon*
5. Black-capped Chickadee
6. Pine Siskin (v)
7. American Robin*
8. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay*
9. Red-tailed Hawk
10. Black-billed Magpie
11. Spotted Towhee**
12. Steller’s Jay
13. Townsend’s Solitaire
14. Common Raven


15. House Sparrow (v)
16. Lesser Goldfinch
17. California Quail
18. Eurasian Collared-dove (v)
19. Canada Goose
20. European Starling
21. Golden Eagle
22. Mourning Dove (v)


Red Squirrel (v)
Mule Deer
Mountain Cottontail
Rock Squirrel

(v) Voice only
*Also Elsewhere
**Voice only Elsewhere

Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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