Posts Tagged ‘ring-necked pheasant’
Wednesday, September 28th, 2022
Raven on a rock.
Monhegan–to–Port Clyde List
1. Herring Gull 2. White-throated Sparrow 3. American Crow 4. Northern Flicker 5. Blue Jay 6. Red-breasted Nuthatch 7. European Starling 8. Double-crested Cormorant 9. Great Black-backed Gull 10. Yellow-rumped Warbler 11. Carolina Wren 12. Gray Catbird 13. American Robin 14. Northern Cardinal 15. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 16. Black-capped Chickadee 17. Golden-crowned Kinglet 18. Sharp-shinned Hawk 19. Cedar Waxwing 20. Downy Woodpecker 21. Brown Thrasher 22. Song Sparrow 23. Red-headed Woodpecker 24. Common Yellowthroat 25. Mallard 26. Purple Finch 27. Peregrine Falcon 28. Merlin 29. Belted Kingfisher 30. Northern Harrier 31. Common Grackle 32. Mourning Dove 33. Ring-necked Pheasant 34. Ring-billed Gull 35. Common Loon
Tags: American crow, American robin, belted kingfisher, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, brown thrasher, Carolina wren, Cedar waxwing, common grackle, common loon, common yellowthroat, double-crested cormorant, downy woodpecker, European starling, golden-crowned kinglet, gray catbird, greaet black-backed gull, herring gull, mallard, merlin, mourning dove, northern cardinal, northern flicker, northern harrier, peregrine falcon, purple finch, red-breasted nuthatch, red-headed woodpecker, ring-billed gull, ring-necked pheasant, sharp-shinned hawk, song sparrow, white-throated sparrow, yellow-bellied sapsucker, yellow-rumped warbler Posted in Lists, Observations, Photo | No Comments »
Tuesday, September 27th, 2022
Nashville Warbler.
Monhegan List
1. Herring Gull 2. Song Sparrow 3. American Crow 4. Black-capped Chickadee 5. Northern Flicker 6. American Goldfinch 7. Common Raven 8. Common Yellowthroat 9. Red-breasted Nuthatch 10. Blue Jay 11. Carolina Wren 12. Ring-necked Pheasant 13. Northern Cardinal 14. Common Raven 15. White-throated Sparrow 16. Merlin 17. Carolina Wren 18. House Wren 19. Great Black-backed Gull 20. Common Eider 21. Golden-crowned Kinglet 22. Purple Finch 23. Yellow-rumped Warbler 24. White-breasted Nuthatch 25. Cedar Waxwing 26. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 27. American Redstart 28. Downy Woodpecker 29. Tennesses Warbler 30. Mourning Dove 31. Ring-billed Gull 32. Peregrine Falcon 33. Mallard 34. Spotted Sandpiper 35. Brown Thrasher 36. Baltimore Oriole 37. Nashville Warbler 38. Scarlet Tanager 39. Common Grackle 40. American Robin
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, American redstart, American robin, Baltimore oriole, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, brown thrasher, Carolina wren, Cedar waxwing, common eider, common grackle, common raven, common yellowthroat, downy woodpecker, golden-crowned kinglet, great black-backed gull, herring gull, house wren, mallard, merlin, mourning dove, Nashville warbler, northern cardinal, northern flicker, peregrine falcon, purple finch, red-breasted nuthatch, ring-billed gull, ring-necked pheasant, scarlet tanager, song sparrow, spotted sandpiper, Tennesses Warbler, white-breasted nuthatch, white-throated sparrow, yellow-bellied sapsucker, yellow-rumped warbler Posted in Lists, Observations, Photo | No Comments »
Monday, September 26th, 2022
Wood Duck at the Ice Pond.
Monhegan List
1. American Crow 2. Herring Gull 3. Great Black-backed Gull 4. Carolina Wren (v) 5. Mourning Dove 6. Merlin 7. European Starling 8. Double-crested Cormorant 9. Yellow-rumped Warbler 10. Northern Cardinal 11. Red-breasted Nuthatch 12. Blue Jay 13. Song Sparrow 14. Downy Woodpecker 15. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 16. Northern Flicker 17. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 18. White-throated Sparrow 19. Baltimore Oriole 20. Common Yellowthroat 21. Black-capped Chickadee 22. American Goldfinch 23. American Robin 24. Ring-necked Pheasant 25. Mallard 26. Gray Catbird 27. Northern Parula 28. Peregrine Falcon 29. Sharp-whinned Hawk 30. Palm Warbler 31.Eastern Phoebe 32. Common Raven 33. Wood Duck 34. Dickcissel
Tags: American goldfinch, American robin, Baltimore oriole, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, Carolina wren, common raven, common yellowthroat, dickcissel, double-crested cormorant, downy woodpecker, eastern p hoeve, European starling, gray catbird, great black-backed gull, herring gull, mallard, merlin, mourning dove, northern cardinal, northern flicker, northern parula, palm warbler, peregrine falcon, red-breasted nuthatch, ring-necked pheasant, ruby-crowned kinglet, sharp-shinned hawk, song sparrow, white-throated sparrow, wood duck, yellow-bellied sapsucker, yellow-rumped warbler Posted in Lists, Observations, Photo | No Comments »
Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. Brian Willson |