17 January 2025

Posts Tagged ‘golden-crowned kinglet’

It’s Happening

Friday, April 14th, 2023
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 14 April 2023.
Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Warmer than forecast. Sunnier, too. Light winds. Many, many birds.

A year’s record thirty-three species today—including first-of-year Pine Warbler and Chipping Sparrow. Among non-bird critters: garter snake and tiger beetles. Leaves barely beginning to unfurl. It does seem rather too dry for the season (although this keeps the tick numbers down), but rain is in the near forecast. Also heard my first singing Hermit Thrush.

(In afternoon, I rode my bicycle for the first time this year. Felt sooo good.)

Tomorrow’s supposed to be at least as warm and calm. Wonder what’ll show up then.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 6:25 a.m. real time (7:25 DST), I hiked all trails.

1. Song Sparrow*
2. Eastern Phoebe*
3. American Robin
4. Hairy Woodpecker (v)
5. Black-capped Chickadee**
6. Brown Creeper
7. American Goldfinch (v)
8. American Crow*
9. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
10. Eastern Bluebird
11. Ruffed Grouse
12. Northern Cardinal** (v)
13. Downy Woodpecker (v)
14. Blue Jay**
15. Yellow-rumped Warbler
16. House Finch (v)
17. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (v)
18. Field Sparrow (v)
19. Northern Flicker (v)
20. Purple Finch
21. Red-breasted Nuthatch (v)
22. Pine Warbler (v)
23. Red-winged Blackbird (v)
24. Chipping Sparrow (v)
25. Pileated Woodpecker (v)
26. Palm Warbler
27. Tree Swallow
28. Dark-eyed Junco
29. Herring Gull*
30. Wild Turkey*
31. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)
32. Osprey (v)
33. Tufted Titmouse** (v)


34. Golden-crowned Kinglet (v)


Eastern Gray Squirrel


Common Garter Snake

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere



Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

A warm morning, leading up to a warm day—mid-60s in afternoon. There was wind, but also sun, and I needed only a light jacket and wore my regular (not insulated) jeans. Good decisions all.

Did not know what to expect today, and ended up highly entertained by what we encountered. Most notable: a first-of-year Osprey, and a first-of-year Mourning Cloak butterfly. Also more Palm Warblers, and a little flock of waxwings that zipped by as we were hiking the open trail.

It’s suddenly dry on the trails—and no real relief in sight. But tomorrow will be a warm one, with Friday maybe even warmer.

P.S. Heard my first spring peepers last night.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 6:24 a.m. real time (7:24 DST), I hiked all trails.

1. American Robin**
2. Eastern Phoebe**
3. Song Sparrow*
4. Turkey Vulture
5. Tufted Titmouse**
6. American Goldfinch
7. American Crow*
8. Blue Jay
9. Black-capped Chickadee*
10. Northern Cardinal** (v)
11. Palm Warbler
12. Ruffed Grouse
13. Hairy Woodpecker (v)
14. Pileated Woodpecker (v)
15. Yellow-rumped Warbler
16. Osprey†
17. Herring Gull*
18. Eastern Bluebird
19. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (drumming)
20. American Kestrel
21. Cedar Waxwing
22. Golden-crowned Kinglet (v)


23. Mallard
24. Wood Duck†
25. House Finch (v)
26. Wild Turkey
27. White-breasted Nuthatch


Mourning Cloak†

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Singing ’Rumps

Monday, April 10th, 2023
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 10 April 2023.
Yellow-rumped Warbler.

What a morning. Chilly to start, with a little breeze, but absolutely cloudless (rare her on the coast of Maine), and really interesting birdwise.

First-of-year note: A flock of about thirty Cedar Waxwings flew right by us, but I accidentally turned off my camera and so missed ’em. However, I did get a photo of one of many Yellow-rumped Warblers that were moving through—several of them singing.

Within a few days, I expect to see a Palm Warbler—and other incoming species.

Fun time of year!

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 6:26 a.m. real time (7:26 DST), I hiked all trails.

1. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (drumming)
2. White-breasted Nuthatch88 (v)
3. Tufted Titmouse**
4. Black-capped Chickadee
5. Brown Creeper
6. Downy Woodpecker**
7. Red-bellied Woodpecker (v)
8. Hairy Woodpecker
9. Red-winged Blackbird
10. Purple Finch (v)
11. American Goldfinch
12. Eastern Bluebird
13. Northern Cardinal* (v)
14. Song Sparrow**
15. American Crow*
16. Yellow-rumped Warbler
17. Eastern Phoebe*
18. American Robin
19. Northern Flicker
20. Cedar Waxwing†
21. Blue Jay** (v)
22. Turkey Vulture
23. Herring Gull* (v)
24. Golden-crowned Kinglet
25. Pileated Woodpecker (v)


American Red Squirrel (v)

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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