The first bird I heard this morning was a Northern Flicker. First flicker for months, I’d say. Unexpected.
Before long, I spied a quiet bird in a scrub oak: a Rock Wren. First of that species I’ve ever seen that wasn’t perched on a rock. Coincidentally, the next new species I saw was a House Wren. (So few wrens around here, I thought for a while it was the other wren following dog and me around.) Talk about unexpected.
Some time later, I spied a tiny batch of warblers following a vocal pod of chickadees (as warblers are wont to do when roaming). I assumed the first I took a photo of was a Virginia’s Warbler. Only when I looked at the photos later did I notice it was a Nashville Warbler—first in Utah. (At least I assume they have a full yellow belly here as they do back East.) Did not expect that.
Fact is, it was so quiet to start this morning that I sure didn’t expect my species list to reach 15.
Grandeur Peak Area List At 7:06 a.m. (8:06 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
1. Northern Flicker (v) 2. House Finch* 3. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay 4. Rock Pigeon 5. Eurasian Collared-dove* 6. Red-tailed Hawk 7. Black-chinned Hummingbird 8. Spotted Towhee 9. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 10. Rock Wren 11. House Wren 12. Black-capped Chickadee 13. Nashville Warbler 14. Orange-crowned Warbler 15. American Goldfinch (v)
A very cool—albeit very smoky—morning. The combination made me think dog and I might should do a ridge hike. And we did.
Clark’s Nutcracker.
Quiet again, bird-wise. (It’s just that time of year.) But it was a good hike up the long switchback for we two old troopers. Up along the ridge, I happened to spy a group of five fast-flying, distinctively patterned birds below us—birds I did not recognize. They were too far away for a good look, but my eyeballs say gray birds, with black wings and a little white on ’em somewhere. I tried to get photos, wasn’t sure I had much luck.
Back home, I discovered a single fairly sharp distant photo of one of the birds headed away. Still couldn’t find an ID online, so I ran the pic by my expert bird-tour-leader friend Derek, who immediately identified it as a Clark’s Nutcracker. A lifer for me!
Later, on our return, I sparrow popped up right beside the trail. A chippy. Bidding us adieu—until, perhaps, tomorrow.
Grandeur Peak Area List At 7:07 a.m. (8:07 MDT), I hiked some 1,200 feet up a mountain.
The forecast called for a chance of thundershowers this morning, but no such luck. Instead, dog and I had a lucky overcast and cool, room temperatures. And a good hike. Along with a nice assortment of bird species.
Most unusual was a random Warbling Vireo moving through the trees just above the neighborhood. Most thrilling was a raven lying low over the bench. (Hadn’t seen a raven in quite a while.) And most photogenic was a grosbeak singing in a treetop near the old Monarch Quarry.
We’re supposed to get a rather mild weekend, too—before summertime returns with a vengeance next week.
No matter, we shall hike regardless, Jack and I.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 7:05 a.m. (8:05 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.