Posts Tagged ‘hooded merganser’
Sunday, December 17th, 2017
Intrepid bird counters.
Purple Sandpiper.
Purple Sandpiper.
Sharp-shinned Hawk.
Pileated Woodpecker.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 1:45 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Black-capped Chickadee*
2. American Crow*
3. White-breasted Nuthatch** (v)
4. Pileated Woodpecker
Elsewhere (all on Christmas Bird Count list)
5. Canada Goose
6. American Black Duck
7. Mallard
8. Common Eider
9. Long-tailed Duck
10. Common Goldeneye
11. Bufflehead
12. Hooded Merganser
13. Common Merganser
14. Red-breasted Merganser
15. American Wigeon
16. Ring-necked Duck
17. Common Loon
18. Red-necked Grebe
19. Horned Grebe
20. Pied-billed Grebe
21. Bald Eagle
22. Northern Harrier
23. Sharp-shinned Hawk
24. American Coot
25. Purple Sandpiper
26. Bonaparte’s Gull
27. Ring-billed Gull
28. Herring Gull
29. Great Black-backed Gull
30. Black Guillemot
31. Downy Woodpecker
32. Blue Jay
33. Golden-crowned Kinglet
34. European Starling
35. Northern Cardinal
36. House Sparrow
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American black duck, American coot, American crow, American wigeon, bald eagle, black guilletmot, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, Bonaparte's gull, bufflehead, Canada goose, common eider, common goldeneye, common loon, common merganser, downy woodpecker, European starling, golden-crowned kinglet, great black-backed gull, herring gull, hooded merganser, horned grebe, house sparrow, long-tailed duck, mallard, northern cardinal, northern harrier, pied-billed grebe, pileated woodpecker, purple sandpiper, red-breasted merganser, red-necked grebe, ring-billed gull, ring-necked duck, sharp-shinned hawk, white-breasted nuthatch Posted in Lists, Observations, Photo | No Comments »
Saturday, December 22nd, 2012
Pine grosbeak.
Christmas Bird Count List
Beginning at 7:45 a.m., I helped count birds for the Audubon CBC.
1. House sparrow
2. Northern cardinal
3. Black-capped chickadee
4. Great blue heron
5. American crow
6. White-throated sparrow
7. Pine grosbeak
8. Herring gull
9. Mourning dove
10. Common eider
11. Common loon
12. Ring-billed gull
13. Mallard
14. Song sparrow
15. Bufflehead
16. Red-breasted merganser
17. Common goldeneye
18. Black guillemot
19. Long-tailed duck
20. Great black-backed gull
21. Purple sandpiper
22. Surf scoter
23. Red-necked grebe
24. American black duck
25. Horned grebe
26. Canada goose
27. Pileated woodpecker
28. White-breasted nuthatch
29. Golden-crowned kinglet
30. Tufted titmouse
31. American goldfinch
32. American robin
33. Hooded merganser
34. Downy woodpecker
35. Northern mockingbird
36. Blue jay
37. House finch
38. Ruddy duck
39. Common merganser
40. Ring-necked duck
41. American coot
42. Bald eagle
43. Red-tailed hawk
44. Rock pigeon
Tags: American black duck, American coot, American crow, American goldfinch, American robin, bald eagle, black guillemot, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, bufflehead, Canada goose, common eider, common goldeneye, common loon, common merganser, downy woodpecker, golden-crowned kinglet, great black-backed gull, great blue heron, herring gull, hooded merganser, horned grebe, house finch, house sparrow, long-tailed duck, mallard, mourning dove, northern cardinal, northern mockingbird, pileated woodpecker, pine grosbeak, purple sandpiper, red-breasted merganser, red-necked grebe, red-tailed hawk, ring-billed gull, ring-necked duck, rock pigeon, ruddy duck, song sparrow, surf scoter, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, white-throated sparrow Posted in Lists, Observations | No Comments »
Saturday, December 17th, 2011
Hooded merganser.
Today being Christmas Bird Count day, I rose before dawn, had a good-sized breakfast, took dog out, and set off for the Rockland Breakwater, where I met fellow counters Kristen, Paul, Ron, Joe, and Paula. The sun rose in a golden line along the southeastern horizon. That golden line turned out to be a remnant clear patch, though, because the rest of the sky had gone overcast. In fact, it just might’ve been the coldest morning of the season—which didn’t surprise me, considering our recent run of frigid, icy CBC weather—but there wasn’t much wind, and the walk out across the harbor seemed almost mild.
Red-bellied woodpecker.
Highlights were a fast-moving merlin, four species of gull (I only saw three, having missed the great black-backed), horned and red-necked grebes, surf scoters, and a seal. Oh, and the fact that it began to snow.
And the snow grew heavier and continued for the rest of the morning. We walked the grounds of the Samoset Resort, where our friend Don had seen a lesser scaup in one of the ponds along the golf course. Yep, there it was, in the falling snow. Meanwhile, about a hundred Canada geese played through, which was not exactly a surprise. Then Ron thought he heard a yellow-rumped warbler and crashed off into the woods to look for it. And by-God-found it. (It turned out to be the only warbler seen in our entire section today.)
After that we took a little side-trip to a yard in the neighborhood, where a red-bellied woodpecker had been reported at a backyard feeder, and we found that, too. (Kristen spotted it first.) Also tree sparrows, titmice, chickadees, hairy woodpeckers, starlings, a mourning dove, a song sparrow. It turned out to be a productive little side-trip.
Not much at the Sea View Cemetery, but Clam Cove delivered a Bonaparte’s gull and an eagle. And a stop up at the entrance to the Bear Hill subdivision proved fruitful: three hooded merganser, two females and a male. (The male kept chasing one of the females around, and not in a loving way.) And at Chickawaukie Lake, we counted about six hundred coots.
American tree sparrow.
Then we stopped for lunch and conversation, and I skipped out on the afternoon.
Since Jack had been home alone for about six hours, on my return we took off for Beech Hill. A nice, brisk hike. You could see the huge raft of Chickawaukie coots all the way from up there. And I heard the voice of a crow.
Tonight it’s cold. I do believe the coldest night of the season so far (although not particularly cold for this season). Me? I’m still thinking about all those birds.
(You’ll find a few more photos below.)
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 2:30 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. American coot
2. American crow
3. Black-capped chickadee
4. House sparrow
5. House finch
6. American goldfinch
7. Canada goose
8. Northern mockingbird
9. Herring gull
10. Mallard
11. Horned grebe
12. Black duck
13. Common goldeneye
14. Great cormorant
15. Ring-billed gull
16. Common loon
17. Common eider
18. Red-breasted merganser
19. Bonaparte’s gull
20. Long-tailed duck
21. Red-necked grebe
22. Merlin
23. Surf scoter
24. Black guillemot
25. Northern flicker
26. Bufflehead
27. Lesser scaup
28. Bald eagle
29. Tufted titmouse
30. European starling
31. American tree sparrow
32. Song sparrow
33. Hairy woodpecker
34. White-breasted nuthatch
35. Mourning dove
36. Red-bellied woodpecker
37. Northern cardinal
38. Hooded merganser
Hooded mergansers.
Hooded mergansers.
Hooded mergansers.
Owls Head Light.
Tags: American coot, American crow, American goldfinch, American tree sparrow, bald eagle, black duck, black guillemot, black-capped chickadee, Bonaparte's gull, bufflehead, Canada goose, common eider, common goldeneye, common loon, European starling, great cormorant, hairy woodpecker, herring gull, hooded merganser, horned grebe, house finch, house sparrow, lesser scaup, long-tailed duck, mallard, merlin, mourning dove, northern cardinal, northern flicker, northern mockingbird, red-bellied woodpecker, red-breasted merganser, red-necked grebe, ring-billed gull, surf scoter, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch Posted in Lists, Observations | No Comments »
Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. Brian Willson |