9 February 2025

Posts Tagged ‘red-necked grebe’

Water Birds

Monday, March 11th, 2019
Red-necked Grebe, Rockport Harbor, Maine, 11 March 2019.
Red-necked Grebe.
Loon with crab, Rockport Harbor, Maine, 11 March 2019.
Loon with crab.

A warm, thawy, slushy, breezy morning. Several birds on the hill—including a fly-by Red-tailed Hawk—but I figured I’d swing by the harbor anyway, see what’s what. Windier when I got there at high tide, but the water birds were cooperative. In fact, I saw the first Red-Necked Grebe I’ve seen in I don’t know how long exactly.

Loon eating a crab, pair of Horned Grebes, black-backs. Good times.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 9 a.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)
2. Tufted Titmouse**
3. American Crow*
4. Northern Cardinal** (v)
5. American Robin
6. Herring Gull*
7. Red-tailed Hawk
8. Black-capped Chickadee**


9. Wild Turkey
10. Rock Pigeon
11. Mallard
12. Great Black-backed Gull
13. Common Loon
14. Horned Grebe
15. Red-necked Grebe†
16. Turkey Vulture†

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
†First-of-year bird

Gallery: Christmas Bird Count, Plus One

Sunday, December 17th, 2017

Intrepid bird counters, Rockland Breakwater, Rockland, Maine, 16 December 2017.

Intrepid bird counters.

Purple Sandpiper, Rockland Breakwater, Rockland, Maine, 16 December 2017.

Purple Sandpiper.

Purple Sandpiper, Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine, 16 December 2017.

Purple Sandpiper.

Sharp-shinned Hawk, Rockport, Maine, 16 December 2017.

Sharp-shinned Hawk.

Pileated Woodpecker, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 16 December 2017.

Pileated Woodpecker.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 1:45 p.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Black-capped Chickadee*
2. American Crow*
3. White-breasted Nuthatch** (v)
4. Pileated Woodpecker

Elsewhere (all on Christmas Bird Count list)

5. Canada Goose
6. American Black Duck
7. Mallard
8. Common Eider
9. Long-tailed Duck
10. Common Goldeneye
11. Bufflehead
12. Hooded Merganser
13. Common Merganser
14. Red-breasted Merganser
15. American Wigeon
16. Ring-necked Duck
17. Common Loon
18. Red-necked Grebe
19. Horned Grebe
20. Pied-billed Grebe
21. Bald Eagle
22. Northern Harrier
23. Sharp-shinned Hawk
24. American Coot
25. Purple Sandpiper
26. Bonaparte’s Gull
27. Ring-billed Gull
28. Herring Gull
29. Great Black-backed Gull
30. Black Guillemot
31. Downy Woodpecker
32. Blue Jay
33. Golden-crowned Kinglet
34. European Starling
35. Northern Cardinal
36. House Sparrow

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


Christmas Count adventures

Saturday, December 19th, 2015

Purple Sandpiper, Rockland Breakwater, Rockland, Maine, 19 December 2015.

Purple Sandpiper.

Up early for the annual National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count (CBC) for our neck of the woods. This year, we diverged a bit from our customary first leg—the Rockland Breakwater—to make sure we recorded a noteworthy bird in our region: a Yellow-throated Warbler that had been seen for the past several days on the grounds of the Samoset Resort. Got it.

Common Ravens, Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine, 19 December 2015.

Common Ravens.

The weather was balmy compared to most CBCs I remember—low- to mid-30s (F). (Typically, it seems like it’s been 12 degrees with a high wind.) But that meant odd birds, and not that many of ’em. Instead of a dozen or so Purple Sandpipers, for instance, we got one. Instead of fifty-plus species, we got forty-something. Since I never do the afternoon trip, I got thirty-four.

But those included two “warblers”: the yellow-throated and a Yellow-breasted Chat (arguably not really a warbler)—only the second of that species I’ve ever seen. Also a pair of vocal ravens flew over, and we had a little flurry of bird activity near the cemetery, and we counted about a hundred coots.

Ring-billed Gull, Samoset Resort, Rockport, Maine, 19 December 2015.

Ring-billed Gull.

Afterward, I rescued a house-bound Jack and we took a quick Beech Hill hike. Only two species up there today.

Windy as hell tonight.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 2:15 p.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. American Crow* (v)
2. Black-capped Chickadee* (v)


3. American Goldfinch
4. Herring Gull
5. Mallard
6. House Sparrow
7. Common Raven
8. Yellow-throated Warbler
9. Ring-billed Gull
10. Canada Goose
11. Common Eider
12. Red-necked Grebe
13. Horned Grebe
14. White-breasted Nuthatch
15. American Black Duck
16. Great Black-backed Gull
17. Long-tailed Duck
18. Surf Scoter
19. Purple Sandpiper
20. Black Guillemot
21. Great Cormorant
22. Bufflehead
23. Yellow-breasted Chat
24. Rock Pigeon
25. Tufted Titmouse
26. Brown Creeper
27. Downy Woodpecker
28. Red-tailed Hawk
29. Hairy Woodpecker
30. Common Goldeneye
31. Bonaparte’s Gull
32. American Coot

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere

Owls Head Light, from the Rockland Breakwater, Rockland, Maine, 19 December 2015.

Owls Head Light.

Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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