Archive for June, 2019
Thursday, June 27th, 2019
Savannah Sparrow.
Today I realized what my favorite bird’s song is—current favorite anyway. The song of the Savannah Sparrow.
Sure, I have other favorites—the thrushes’ songs, of course, and the song of the Black-throated Blue Warbler (my favorite wood-warbler)—but something about the Savannah’s subtle-yet-loud, unassuming-yet-beautiful, far-carrying, wee-yet-unbridled song just thrills me like no other. Simple as that.
Maybe it’s because I haven’t heard it as often as usual this year. (So infrequently did I hear it that I feared no Savannahs were nesting in my patch for the first time ever I can remember.) But this morning’s song in the fog—with the little hiccup at the end—lifted my spirits in beautiful ways.
Yep, it’s my favorite.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 7:15 a.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Song Sparrow** 2. American Goldfinch 3. Tufted Titmouse (v) 4. Common Yellowthroat 5. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (v) 6. Veery** (v) 7. Black-throated Green Warbler (v) 8. Nashville Warbler 9. Eastern Towhee 10. Alder Flycatcher (v) 11. Tree Swallow 12. Savannah Sparrow 13. Field Sparrow 14. Chestnut-sided Warbler** 15. Yellow Warbler 16. Northern Cardinal* (v) 17. Chipping Sparrow* 18. Gray Catbird 19. Purple Finch (v) 20. Red-eyed Vireo** 21. Ovenbird (v) 22. Black-capped Chickadee** (v) 23. Black-billed Cuckoo (v) 24. Herring Gull* (v) 25. American Redstart (v)
26. Eastern Phoebe 27. Blue Jay (v) 28. American Robin 29. American Crow 30. Mourning Dove
v = Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere
Tags: alder flycatcher , American crow , American goldfinch , American redstart , American robin , black-billed cuckoo , black-capped chickadee , black-throated green warbler , blue jay , chestnut-sided warbler , chipping sparrow , common yellowthroat , eastern phoebe , eastern towhee , field sparrow , gray catbird , herring gull , Nashville warbler , northern cardinal , ovenbird , purple finch , red-eyed vireo , rose-breasted grosbeak , savannah sparrow , song sparrow , tree swallow , tufted titmouse , veery , yellow warbler Posted in Lists , Observations , Photo | No Comments »
Wednesday, June 26th, 2019
American Redstart.
Rained overnight and into this morning. Waited until 9 to hit the hill. Plenty foggy once we got there, dog and I.
The hike was good nevertheless. Quite a few species listed (mostly just heard)—including an American Redstart brightly singing in a cloud of fog.
Heard a Savannah Sparrow, too. Kind of made my day.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 9 a.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Black-throated Green Warbler (v) 2. American Goldfinch (v) 3. Ovenbird (v) 4. Song Sparrow** 5. Eastern Phoebe* 6. American Crow* 7. Common Yellowthroat (v) 8. Field Sparrow (v) 9. Gray Catbird** 10. Tree Swallow (v) 11. Common Raven (v) 12. Nashville Warbler (v) 13. Savannah Sparrow 14. Chipping Sparrow* 15. Alder Flycatcher (v) 16. Chestnut-sided Warbler (v) 17. Yellow Warbler (v) 18. Veery (v) 19. American Redstart
Elsewhere 1. Mourning Dove 2. Rock Pigeon 3. Herring Gull
Tags: American crow , American goldfinch , American redstart , black-throated green warbler , chestnut-sied warbler , chipping sparrow , common raven , common yellowthroat , eastern phoebe , field sparrow , gray catbird , herring gull , lder flycatcher , mourning dove , Nashville warbler , ovenbird , rock pigeon , savannah sparrow , song sparrow , tree swallow , tree swallow cedar waxwing eastern phoebe , veery , yellow warbler Posted in Lists , Observations , Photo | No Comments »
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019
First-day phoebe fledgling.
Early to the hill again, and again an embarrassment of species. Noteworthy was a Yellow-throated Vireo I heard calling just down from the summit. Also noteworthy were various fledglings—including a couple first-day Eastern Phoebe babies at the hut.
Male eastern bluebird.
Bluebirds abounded. Plenty of other species also. We’ve already got probably twice as many migratory birds as arrived here just a few weeks ago. And many more still will fly south come fall.
Rain tonight. A little tomorrow. Flooding is a rare challenge—but better too much rain than not enough.
Beech Hill List Beginning at 6:45 a.m., I hiked the open trail—and then some.
1. Ovenbird** (v) 2. Chestnut-sided Warbler** 3. Black-and-white Warbler 4. American Goldfinch** 5. Eastern Towhee 6. White-breasted Nuthatch (v) 7. Song Sparrow** 8. Eastern Phoebe* 9. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (v) 10. American Crow* 11. Chipping Sparrow** 12. Mourning Dove* (v) 13. Alder Flycatcher (v) 14. Common Yellowthroat** 15. Tree Swallow 16. Yellow Warbler 17. Veery (v) 18. Purple Finch 19. Northern Cardinal (v) 20. Herring Gull* (v) 21. Cedar Waxwing 22. Eastern Bluebird 23. Great Crested Flycatcher (v) 24. Red-eyed Vireo (v) 25. Tufted Titmouse (v) 26. Northern Flicker (v) 27. Gray Catbird 28. Eastern Wood-pewee (v) 29. Hermit Thrush (v) 30. Black-throated Green Warbler (v) 31 Black-throated Blue Warbler (v) 32. Black-capped Chickadee (v) 33. Nashville Warbler 34. Common Loon 35. Yellow-throated Vireo† 36. Field Sparrow
36. House Finch 37. Red-winged Blackbird
v = Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere †First-of-year bird
Tags: alder flycatcher , American crow , American goldfinch , black-and-white warbler , black-capped chickadee , black-throated blue warbler , black-throated green warbler , Cedar waxwing , chestnut-sided warbler , chipping sparrow , common loon , common yellowthroat , eastern bluebird , eastern phoebe , eastern towhee , eastern wood-pewee , field sparrow , gray catbird , great crested flycatcher , hermit thrush , herring gull , house finch , mourning dove , Nashville warbler , northern cardinal , northern flicker , ovenbird , purple finch , re-winged blackbird , red-eyed vireo , rose-breasted grosbeak , song sparrow , tree swallow , tufted titmouse , veery , white-breasted nuthatch , yellow warbler , yellow-throated vireo Posted in Lists , Observations , Photo | No Comments »
Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. Brian Willson