About two inches of rain fell overnight, but sure enough—as forecast—it’d stopped by the time dog and I were ready to hike this morning. Temps in the 50s (F) to start, and foggy on the hill, but it was warmer (and clearer) by the time of our return.
In between times, I managed a list of 44 birds (including a first-of-year Warbling Vireo), but most noteworthy were a pair of trail amphibians.
On the main trail, near the summit, sat a Green Frog. Just sat there on the gravel, letting me take photos. Finally I got close enough that it decided to hop off into the wet grass. And down in the middle of the lower wooded trail, I happened to spy a tiny bright orange newt eft.
It’s been pretty dry, so I expect the fresh douse of water drew the amphibians out. Then again, what do I know.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 6:16 a.m. sun time (7:16 DST), I hiked all trails.
1. Red-eyed Vireo** (v)
2. Ovenbird** (v)
3. Wood Thrush (v)
4. Eastern Phoebe*
5. Veery (v)
6. Black-throated Green Warbler** (v)
7. Pileated Woodpecker (v)
8. Black-capped Chickadee**
9. Northern Cardinal** (v)
10. Gray Catbird**
11. Eastern Towhee**
12. Black-and-white Warbler (v)
13. Blue Jay (v)
14. Common Yellowthroat
15. Ruby-throated Hummingbird (v)
16. Chestnut-sided Warbler**
17. American Woodcock
18. Field Sparrow
19. Yellow Warbler
20. Common Loon (v)
21. Chipping Sparrow
22. Song Sparrow**
23. American Robin**
24. Red-breasted Nuthatch (v)
25. Eastern Bluebird
26. Sharp-shinned Hawk
27. Tufted Titmouse** (v)
28. Hermit Thrush (v)
29. Red-winged Blackbird
30. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (drumming)
31. Alder Flycatcher (v)
32. Brown-headed Cowbird
33. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (v)
34. Scarlet Tanager (v)
35. American Redstart (v)
36. American Crow*
37. Mourning Dove** (v)
38. Wild Turkey
39. Downy Woodpecker
40. American Goldfinch (v)
41. Hairy Woodpecker (v)
42. Warbling Vireo
43. Eastern Wood-pewee (v)
44. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (v)
45. White-breasted Nuthatch** (v)
46. Red-bellied Woodpecker (v)
47. Mallard
Green Frog
Eastern Newt (eft)
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: alder flycatcher, American crow, American goldfinch, American redstart, American robin, American woodcock, black-and-white warbler, black-capped chickadee, black-throated green warbler, blue jay, brown-headed cowbird, chestnut-sided warbler, chipping sparrow, common loon, common yellowthroat, downy woodpecker, eastern bluebird, eastern gray squirrel, eastern newt, eastern phoebe, eastern towhee, eastern wood-pewee, field sparrow, gray catbird, green frog, hairy woodpecker, hermit thrush, mallard, mourning dove, northern cardinal, ovenbird, pileated woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, red-breasted nuthatch, red-eyed vireo, red-winged blackbird, rose-breasted grosbeak, ruby-crowned kinglet, ruby-throated hummingbird, scarlet tanager, sharp-shinned hawk, song sparrow, tufted titmouse, veery, warbling vireo, white-breasted nuthatch, wild turkey, wood thrush, yellow warbler, yellow-bellied sapsucker