A balmy morning on a day of warm sunshine, high humidity, and a top temperature in the low 80s (F). Brought extra water for Captain Jack, who panted a lot nevertheless.
Quite a few birds—but certainly fewer than had it not been so summery. Fewer individuals of fewer species. But along came one nice surprise: An American Woodcock that appeared on the trail in front of us actually stopped to pose for a photo.
I think that’s one of at most four or five woodcock pics I’ve ever taken—possibly even the best. Thanks, Mr. Timberdoodle!
Beech Hill List
Starting at 7:17 a.m. EST (8:17 DST), I hiked all trails.
1. Eastern Phoebe**
2. Northern Cardinal** (v)
3. American Goldfinch
4. Chestnut-sided Warbler**
5. Veery (v)
6. Red-eyed Vireo
7. Ovenbird
8. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (drumming)
9. American Crow* (v)
10. Black-capped Chickadee
11. Song Sparrow
12. Common Yellowthroat
13. Field Sparrow (v)
14. Yellow Warbler
15. American Robin*
16. Gray Catbird
17. Eastern Towhee
18. Cedar Waxwing
19. Northern Flicker (v)
20. Blue Jay** (v)
21. Hermit Thrush (v)
22. Eastern Wood-pewee
23. Brown Creeper (v)
24. White-breasted Nuthatch (v)
25. Black-throated Green Warbler (v)
26. Hairy Woodpecker
27. Black-and-white Warbler (v)
28. Chipping Sparrow (v)
29. American Woodcock
30. Mallard
31. Herring Gull
32. Rock Pigeon
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, American robin, American woodcock, black-and-white warbler, black-capped chickadee, black-throated green warbler, blue jay, brown creeper, Cedar waxwing, chestnut-sided warbler, chipping sparrow, common yellowthroat, eastern phoebe, eastern towhee, eastern wood-pewee, field sparrow, gray catbird, hairy woodpecker, hermit thrush, herring gull, mallard, northern cardinal, northern flicker, ovenbird, red-eyed vireo, rock pigeon, song sparrow, veery, white-breasted nuthatch, yellow warbler, yellow-bellied sapsucker