Another lovely Beech Hill hike with dog. A hike with a couple newly arrived warblers (at least as far as I’ve seen in our short time back here). Four species today, more to come for sure.
The lists are longer than those in Utah, so it takes me longer to compile ’em. Thus my narratives are liable to be shorter for a while (apologies). Suffice it to say Jack and I are thoroughly enjoying our return to this familiar hike and all the inspiring smells and sights and sounds and feels it brings.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 7:55 a.m., I hiked all trails.
1. Eastern Phoebe*
2. American Goldfinch (v)
3. American Robin
4. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker† (v)
5. Northern Flicker (v)
6. Black-and-white Warbler†
7. Northern Parula†
8. Black-capped Chickadee
9. Tufted Titmouse (v)
10. Yellow-rumped Warbler
11. American Crow*
12. Eastern Towhee
14. Blue-headed Vireo
15. Field Sparrow (v)
16. Song Sparrow
17. Eastern Bluebird
18. Chipping Sparrow
19. White-throated Sparrow (v)
20. Herring gull* (v)
21. Tree Swallow
25. Black-throated Green Warbler† (v)
26. Red-breasted Nuthatch (v)
27. Sharp-shinned Hawk
28. Blue Jay†
29. Brown Creeper
30. Hermit Thrush
31. Mourning Dove
Red Squirrel
White-tailed Deer
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, American robin, black-and-white warbler, black-capped chickadee, black-throated green warbler, blue jay, blue-headed vireo, brown creeper, chipping sparrow, eastern bluebird, eastern phoebe, eastern towhee, field sparrow, hermit thrush, herring gull, mourning dove, northern flicker, northern parula, red squirrel, red-breasted nuthatch, sharp-shinned hawk, song sparrow, tree swallow, tufted titmouse, white-tailed deer, white-throated sparrow, yellow-bellied sapsucker, yellow-rumped warbler