I hiked the hill twice today—once with dog and a second time leading a friendly a birding group. What with the chill and breeze, not a lot of birds showed up—but both hikes were well worth it in this new young lovely fall.
Beech Hill List Starting at 7:18 a.m. EST (8:18 DST) and again at 8:30 (9:30), I hiked all trails.
1. Tufted Titmouse 2. Black-capped Chickadee** (v) 3. Yellow-rumped Warbler 4. American Goldfinch (v) 5. American Crow* (v) 6. Common Yellowthroat (v) 7. Eastern Towhee (v) 8. Blue Jay (v) 9. Turkey Vulture
10. Mallard 11. Herring Gull
White-tailed Deer
(v) Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere †First-of-year
Cool and bright again this morning—but not quite so cool. In fact, the day warmed up pretty good by the time dog and I reached the summit. A noteworthy day, though, with a few nice sightings. Most noteworthy, perhaps was a whitetail doe and fawn that appeared in a little clearing far below us.
Bird-wise, also at the summit, I spotted my first yellow-rump since spring. and I spotted my first Nashville Warbler in months, down in the woodlands.
Sitting here this evening, I find myself wondering what tomorrow’s hike will bring.
Beech Hill List Starting at 7:04 a.m. EST (8:04 DST), I hiked all trails.
Yesterday’s forecast called for showers. This morning’s called for an overcast. Reality proved a combination of each—foggy, misty, drippy. My hike with dog started out very quiet, but over time a few bird voices piped up, and then I caught sight of flittings in the understory, and eventually I heard the loud calls of two woodpecker species.
A highlight was a near approach by a white-tail, who must’ve sensed our presence a few yards away, so turned, galloped invisibly through the drippy tangles, giving out a couple of husky calls of alarm.
Photography turned out a challenging pursuit, so you’ll have to settle for a random pic of a juvenile delinquent towhee.
Beech Hill List Starting at 7:09 a.m. EST (8:09 DST), I hiked all trails.
1. Eastern Towhee 2. Song Sparrow 3. American Goldfinch** 4. Gray Catbird 5. Common Yellowthroat (v) 6. Black-capped Chickadee 7. Red-eyed Vireo (v) 8. White-breasted Nuthatch (v) 9. Tufted Titmouse 10. Black-throated Green Warbler 11. Eastern Wood-pewee 12. Blue Jay (v) 13. Pileated Woodpecker (v) 14. Downy Woodpecker (v) 15. American Crow* 16. Yellow Warbler (v)
17. Mourning Dove 18. Herring Gull
White-tailed Deer
(v) Voice only *Also elsewhere **Voice only elsewhere †First-of-year