17 February 2025

Junco in a Juniper Tree

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021
Dark-eyed Junco, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 30 November 2021.
Dark-eyed Junco.

A quick hike, an earlier hike—most of it in the mountain shade. Quite a few species, but lower numbers. I only managed a photo of one, a junco in a juniper tree.

Grandeur Peak Area List
At 8:29 MST, I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.

1. House Finch**
2. Black-capped Chickadee
3. Black-billed Magpie*
4. Rock Pigeon*
5. Northern Flicker (v)
6. American Goldfinch
7. Spotted Towhee (v)
8. Red-tailed Hawk
9. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay (v)
10. Dark-eyed Junco
11. Lesser Goldfinch (v)


12. Song Sparrow (v)


Red Squirrel

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere

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Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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