Today was the first scorcher of the year. Dog and I got to the trailhead a bit late, but already the temperature (in the shade) was well up into the 70s (F). And by the time we returned a couple hours later, the sun had warmed things by at least ten degrees or so.
Still quite a bit of bird activity. Plenty of buntings and towhees and hummingbirds and gnatcatchers. And, along stretch of trail in the shady valley area, the two warblers we see on the regular: MacGillivray’s and black-throated gray. A shoutout to those two guys.
Yep, a scorcher. Still no rattlesnakes, though.
Grandeur Peak Area List
Beginning at 8 a.m., I hiked several hundred feet up a mountain.
1. Song Sparrow** (v)
2. Black-billed Magpie*
3. Lazuli Bunting
4. American Robin*
5. Rock Pigeon
6. Black-headed Grosbeak
7. Pine Siskin (v)
8. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
9. Spotted Towhee
10. Black-chinned Hummingbird
11. California Quail*
12. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay
13. House Finch*
14. Warbling Vireo
15. MacGillivray’s Warbler
16. Chipping Sparrow (v)
17. Black-throated Gray Warbler
18. Golden Eagle
19. Sharp-shinned Hawk
20. Black-capped Chickadee** (v)
21. European Starling
22. House Sparrow
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American robin, black-billed magpie, black-capped chickadee, black-chinned hummingbird, black-headed grosbeak, black-throated gray warbler, blue-gray gnatcatcher, California quail, chipping sparrow, European starling, golden eagle, house finch, house sparrow, lazuli bunting, MacGillivray’s warbler, pine siskin, rock pigeon, sharp-shinned hawk, song sparrow, spotted towhee, warbling vireo, Woodhouse’s scrub jay