9 February 2025

A little color

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014
Northern Flicker, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 30 September 2014.

Northern Flicker.

The last day of September. Already. Cold and damp. A few birds—migrating or dilly-dallying—flitting nervously through and above the dewy foliage.

Maple leaf, Beech Hill Preserve, Rockport, Maine, 30 September 2014.

Maple leaf.

Busy day, work-wise. Got a nice, quick midday hike with Jack. The gray landscape is showing nice little yellow and red flames of color. This is my favorite time of year.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 1 p.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Yellow-rumped Warbler (v)
2. White-throated Sparrow
3. American Crow* (v)
4. Downy Woodpecker (v)
5. Song Sparrow
6. Northern Flicker
7. Gray Catbird (v)
8. Blue Jay (v)
9. Eastern Towhee (v)
10. Black-capped Chickadee** (v)


11. Red-eyed Vireo (v)
12. Herring Gull
13. Mourning Dove
14. European Starling

v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere


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Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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