Very few crows here. Occasional ravens. Scrub jays. Rare (for me) Steller’s Jays. But no shortage of Black-billed Magpies.
Captain Jack and I have passed through the territory of a pair of nesting magpies nearly every day for a week or two. They make low, secretive noises when we pass, but we don’t mess with them. In fact, I talk to ’em a little. My hope and wish is that they observe us long enough to know we mean them no harm.
(Most all corvids are pretty smart that way, I think.)
Grandeur Peak Area List
Beginning at 8:15 a.m., I hiked a couple hundred feet up the mountain.
1. American Robin*
2. Black-billed Magpie*
3. Black-capped Chickadee
4. House Finch**
5. Pine Siskin (v)
6. Eastern Towhee
7. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay
8. Northern Flicker** (v)
9. Common Raven
10. Song Sparrow
11. Rock Pigeon
12. California Gull
Mule Deer
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American robin, black-billed magpie, black-capped chickadee, California gull, common raven, eastern towhee, house finch, northern flicker, pine siskin, rock pigeon, song sparrow, Woodhouse’s scrub jay