The forecast called for rain today, so when all we got was overcast until mid-afternoon, I decided to take a quick bike ride. Within a minute of setting out, I felt drizzle on my cheeks—but it didn’t last long, and I managed my usual route from post office to post office. However, on the way back, I found myself staring at a great darkness looming in front of me. Made it within a mile from home before the rain began to fall. About three minutes later, I pulled into the drive to the sound of thunder. Whew.
But there was still a hike with dog to be had. Waited an hour or so, checked the weather radar, and saw what looked to be a little letup. So off we went.
Well, it wasn’t raining hard, but it was raining. By the time we’d gotten about half-way up the wooded Beech Hill trail, both Jack and I were soaked. Then again, I got to hear and/or see a lot more birds than I imagined I would. Started slow—singing chestnut-sided warbler, chickadees, towhee—but as we neared the summit, things got really interesting when we stumbled on a grouse with chicks. The adult hissed at us and moved away from the trail, and the little light-colored chicks fluttered their new wings into the brush and vanished. I didn’t want to traumatize the little family, though, so we didn’t stick around.
At the summit I saw both phoebe and Savannah sparrow. Also a solitary goldfinch. And a few loose flocks of waxwings. Heard a yellowthroat and a yellow warbler and a catbird.
Down in the woods, I heard my first ovenbird of our hike, and soon after I heard a red-eyed vireo singing a sort of half-assed song. Vireos just don’t like to sing in the rain, I’ve decided.
After our return home, it began to rain harder. No hermit thrush singing out back tonight. Can’t say as I much blame him.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 4:30 p.m., I hiked the wooded trails.
1. Chestnut-sided warbler
2. Black-capped chickadee (v)
3. Eastern towhee
4. American redstart* (v)
5. Cedar waxwing*
6. American robin* (v)
7. Ruffed grouse
8. Veery (v)
9. Gray catbird* (v)
10. Eastern phoebe
11. Savannah sparrow
12. American goldfinch*
13. Common yellowthroat*
14. Yellow warbler (v)
15. Ovenbird (v)
16. Red-eyed vireo (v)
17. House finch (v)
18. Northern cardinal (v)
19. American crow
20. Herring gull
21. Mourning dove
22. Chipping sparrow (v)
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, American redstart, American robin, black-capped chickadee, Cedar waxwing, chestnut-sided warbler, chipping sparrow, common yellowthroat, eastern phoebe, eastern towhee, gray catbird, herring gull, house finch, mourning dove, northern cardinal, ovenbird, red-eyed vireo, ruffed grouse, savannah sparrow, veery, yellow warbler