Rained overnight but stopped before Jack and I headed up to the hill. Still very foggy, though—really socked in—so I didn’t have any notions of spotting a bunch of spring birds.
However, there were many, and I even managed a photo or two.
Singing cardinal, junco, chickadee, titmouse, robin, dove, sparrow. Most notable—especially considering the thick fog that blanketed our whole hike—was the fact that I listed eighteen species.
Looking forward to what tomorrow morning might bring.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 7:10 a.m. real time (8:10 DST), I hiked all trails.
1. Dark-eyed Junco
2. Northern Cardinal
3. Song Sparrow
4. Black-capped Chickadee
5. Blue Jay
6. American Crow
7. White-breasted Nuthatch
8. Red-breasted Nuthatch
9. Mourning Dove
10. Mallard
11. Hairy Woodpecker
12. Tufted Titmouse
13. American Robin
14. Eastern Bluebird
15. American Goldfinch
16. Pileated Woodpecker
17. Herring Gull
18. Yellow-rumped Warbler
19. Wild Turkey
20. Eastern Phoebe (v)
21. House Finch (v)
Eastern Chipmunk
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, American robin, black-capped chickadee, blue jay, dark-eyed junco, eastern bluebird, hairy woodpecker, herring gull, mallard, mourning dove, pileated woodpecker, red-breasted nuthatch, song sparrow, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, yellow-rumped warbler