Coolish today, with a breeze. Cloudless for most of it. While out doing errands, I spotted a few town birds and a broad-winged hawk crossing Route 1. Took a hike with Jack at the usual late-summer hour and found a quiet hillside amid faint bird sounds and unidentified flitting species. I did manage to ID the voice of a young vireo (nearby was the voice of its alarmed parent). Spotted a silent hermit thrush in the shadows. Spotted a phoebe in the woods near where I saw one yesterday—likely the same bird—and got only a glimpse of what looked to be an adult wood warbler (chestnut-sided?). The wood-pewees are still around, at least one family.
At the edge of the summit fields, I spent quite a while photographing a monarch butterfly dining on a wind-whipped goldenrod. It seemed undaunted by its dramatic swinging and swaying.
Also had a nice chat with a friendly visiting family up at Beech Nut. That’s where I’ve mostly engaged in conversations these days. Other than with Jack, I mean. (And that’s mostly one-sided.)
Tonight is clear and cool. The moon is nearly full for the second time this month.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 5 p.m., I hiked the wooded trails.
1. Black-capped chickadee
2. American crow*
3. Cedar waxwing
4. Gray catbird (v)
5. American goldfinch*
6. Red-eyed vireo (v)
7. Northern flicker (v)
8. Hermit thrush
9. Eastern phoebe
10. Warbler (sp.)
11. Eastern wood-pewee (v)
12. Herring gull
13. Rock pigeon
14. House sparrow
15. Broad-winged hawk
16. American robin (v)
17. Northern cardinal (v)
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, American robin, black-capped chickadee, broad-winged hawk, Cedar waxwing, eastern phoebe, eastern wood-pewee, gray catbird, hermit thrush, herring gull, house sparrow, northern cardinal, northern flicker, red-eyed vireo, rock pigeon, warbler