A morning much like yesterday’s, but with a very slight breeze, a slightly chillier temperature, a little more snow, and a bit of hazy sunlight. A different selection of birds, three cottontails, nine deer, a few humans (whose conversation was intelligible to me, but who did not notice us at all).
Saw a flicker. Heard a bunch of chickadees. Came upon what looked like Mountain Lion tracks. Grabbed a photo or two.
A couple days left in the year. A few hours until my birthday.
Grandeur Peak Area List
At 9:36 MST, I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
1. House Finch**
2. Black-capped Chickadee
3. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay (v)
4. Northern Flicker
5. Pine Siskin (v)
6. Rock Pigeon*
7. Accipiter (sp?)
8. Black-billed Magpie (v)
9. Mourning Dove
10. California Gull
Mountain Cottontail
Mule Deer
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: accipiter, black-billed magpie, black-capped chickadee, California gull, house finch, mountain cottontail, mourning dove, mule deer, northern flicker, pine siskin, rock pigeon, Woodhouse’s scrub jay