Wet, muddy, thawy. Crows about, and chickadees singing out back. Didn’t rain much, as it was forecast to do, but a misty fog settled over everything in early afternoon. That’s about the time two dogs and I took a drive up to Beech Hill.
The trail was a mess and a mire. We slogged up, we slogged down. In between, I heard more chickadees and a titmouse, saw a bunch of robins (maybe three dozen?), and spotted a solitary flicker up at Beech Nut. Slush and mud and puddles and slick spots—but I didn’t fall on my butt once, even being pulled by strong Australian cattle dogs.
Tonight is wet still. The last day in February. Spring must be only about three weeks away.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 3:15 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Black-capped chickadee** (v)
2. Tufted titmouse (v)
3. American robin
4. Northern flicker
5. American crow
6. Herring gull
7. Ring-billed gull
v = Voice only
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American robin, black-capped chickadee, herring gull, northern flicker, ring-billed gull, tufted titmouse