Started out overcast, with a touch of rain and a good little wind. And the little wind grew as the day progressed. All the storm news from south of here got me thinking it might be a good idea to shut things down early here, so that’s what I did. When Jack and I arrived at Beech Hill, the wind had picked up quite a bit.
But we didn’t have to travel far for me to get a mess o’ birds: five of our common small species were flitting about in the trees above the parking lot. Creeper, chickadee, g-c kinglet, w-b nuthatch, and titmouse. Got great looks at all of them as they bounced around more or less frantically. It really did look like they were stocking up, knowing somehow that after a while it might be a little difficult to take wing.
On up the slope, crows. A few of them lurking around in the patches of sumac down the protected southwest slope. Also, we startled two or three robins from a bush right alongside the trail there. Nothing but wind and swaying grass at the summit. Whitecaps in the bay.
Returning, I heard—then saw—a couple of yellow-rumps fluttering down the trail ahead of us. And nearing the parking lot again, where titmice and chickadees were still active, a white-throated sparrow appeared out of nowhere.
During afternoon, the wind increased and got insistent. And just now, in early evening, it’s a big wind. Still got power, though.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 1:30 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Brown creeper
2. Black-capped chickadee**
3. Golden-crowned kinglet
4. White-breasted nuthatch
5. Tufted titmouse
6. American crow*
7. American robin*
8. Yellow-rumped warbler
9. White-throated sparrow
10. Herring gull
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American robin, black-capped chickadee, brown creeper, golden-crowned kinglet, herring gull, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, white-throated sparrow, yellow-rumped warbler