17 September 2024


Tuesday, February 28th, 2012
The barrens, Beech Hill, Rockport, Maine, 28 February 2012.

The barrens.

Might be hard to believe, what with the wind and chill, but spring is only about three weeks away. In fact, portents are everywhere: the lengthening photoperiod, the warmer feel of the sun as its arc inches higher, the singing titmouse out back. Saw a sharp-shinned hawk a couple days ago. Saw a red-tailed hawk today near Chickawaukie Lake, with its entourage of crows. Stopped at a light in traffic this morning, I heard the resounding song of a cardinal through the windows of my pickup.

Beech Nut, Beech Hill, Rockport, Maine, 28 February 2012.

Beech Nut.

At Beech Hill, a handful of robins scattered as we hopped out into the parking lot. Heard the faint peeps of foraging chickadees—and the sweet short notes of eastern bluebirds.

Earlier tonight, I spent a moment contemplating the planets lined up with the moon high in the southwest sky. Some night a month from now, I’ll hear first burbles and tweets of the American woodcock’s miraculous spring flight song.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 4:30 p.m.,  I hiked the open trail.

1. Black-capped chickadee
2. American robin
3. Eastern bluebird (voice)


4. Herring gull
5. House finch
6. American crow
7. Northern cardinal
8. Red-tailed hawk
9. Rock pigeon
10. Tufted titmouse

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Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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