17 February 2025

A comforting sky

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Beech Hill, Rockport, 30 November 2010.

Beech Hill.

This day began and ended overcast. Betweentimes, the sun poked through. And it was warm—and by “warm,” I mean maybe mid- to upper-40s (F)—with little wind, so I figured I’d embark on maybe my last long bike ride of the year.

American crow, Beech Hill, Rockport, 30 November 2010.

American crow.

Which I did about midday. Was nice. While cycling, I saw herring and ring-billed gulls and heard a starling. And upon returning from cycling, Jack and I hiked Beech Hill.

A group of people had just pulled in, and we hung behind them for a bit (while listening to the lovely, low voice of a pileated woodpecker no doubt calling to an intimate relative). Their little dog was a barker, so we passed in a hurry and walked fast up the hill. Crows were calling from the upper fields, several distant and a few nearby. They all took wing on our approach. One had something in its bill.

Still not a lot of wind. Rippling clouds spread away to the east above the water. Somewhere across the naked landscape I heard the sharp note of a flicker.

Monhegan, Beech Hill, Rockport, 30 November 2010.


Returning, I admired the comforting sky, the brilliant redness of some trailside berries, the purplish look of the leafless limbs of a poplar grove down the southern slope. Only as we were about to get back in the truck did I hear a distant chickadee-dee-dee!

Tomorrow, they say we’ll get some rain. Today I appreciate the clouds.

Beech Hill List
Beginning at 2:15 p.m., I hiked the open trail.

1. Pileated woodpecker (voice)
2. American crow
3. Northern flicker (voice)
4. Black-capped chickadee (voice)


5. Herring gull
6. Ring-billed gull
7. European starling

Berries, Beech Hill, Rockport, 30 November 2010.

Berries, Beech Hill, Rockport, 30 November 2010.

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Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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