Got colder for my birthday. I kind of didn’t mind. Supposed to be cold now. Heck, we’re supposed to be ice skating the week after Christmas—and, sure enough, a skim of ice had formed on the ponds I passed this sunny day.
Passed a couple. Mostly worked indoors, with sunlight streaming through the windows. Grabbed dog in mid-afternoon, and we hiked up the breezy, freezy hill along with another couple dozen people (and one other dog). Heard a crow and saw a hawk. Saw other birds driving around doing a few quick errands.
Tonight, though, a birthday gift: got a glimpse of new comet Lovejoy through binoculars in the crisp darkness a minute ago. It’s that smudge I saw below the star below Rigel, the brightest of Orion’s suns.
Crisp darkness, twinkling stars.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 1:45 p.m., i hiked the open trail.
1. American Crow* (v)
2. Red-tailed Hawk
3. Black-capped Chickadee (v)
4. Herring Gull
5. Rock Pigeon
6. European Starling
7. Northern Cardinal (v)
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
Tags: American crow, black-capped chickadee, European starling, herring gull, northern cardinal, red-tailed hawk, rock pigeon