Awoke to a gray, wet world. A steady rain fell. The rush of car tires swept loudly by. A cardinal called. A mourning dove. A song sparrow. Crows. Robins and a house finch across the road.
At midday—despite the rain’s increasing insistence—dog and I walked the wooded Beech Hill trail. I slipped and slid a half dozen times on mud at least as greasy as slushy snow. Neither saw nor heard a single bird on the hill. We ended up soaked and mud-spattered, but it was fun.
By afternoon, the wind picked up. Both my trash cans blew over, and we enjoyed an astronomical high tide.
Later, I drove to town. Caught sight of a small flock of robins, four dabbling ducks in overflight, herring gulls.
Tonight, the rain grew steadier still. Water cascaded down the hill out back and flooded the little side yard. I can’t help but think how green it’ll be in a week or two. Or three.
Today’s List
Northern cardinal
Mourning dove
Song sparrow
American crow
American robin
House finch
Dabbling duck (spp?)
Herring gull
Tags: American crow, American robin, herring gull, house finch, mourning dove, northern cardinal, song sparrow