A run-around day. May pigeons wheeling around town. A little cluster of Bonaparte’s gulls at Clam Cove. Not a lot of time to hike at the end of it for Jack and me—but it was a nice one. Nippy, fresh air. Chickawaukie Lake is about frozen over finally, but in a little river of open water, I spied the raft of coots.
Mostly, though, I admired the setting sun and the rising moon.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 3:30 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. American coot
2. House finch
3. American crow
4. Herring gull
5. Rock pigeon
6. Bonaparte’s gull
Tags: American coot, American crow, Bonaparte's gull, herring gull, house finch, rock pigeon