This here was a warm, drizzly day. At least, at first it was. Lots of snow melt, the ice vanished from my parking lot, water flowed. Toward afternoon, a wind picked up and fog blew in. And when I say “blew in,” I mean that literally. And just kept blowing around.
You couldn’t really see it blowing around—it was too foggy. But by the time Jack and I started up the muddy/icy Beech Hill trail, we were getting buffeted around pretty good. Strong, strong wind. Nearly lost my hat a few times. At least it wasn’t cold.
No birds out in the open, as you might imagine—except for a lone robin that I saw flapping low down the southern slope. Other birds were hanging out in the trees around the parking lot, including a pair of flickers. Don’t mind a little mud. Kind of like a thick fog.
Tonight, we had a nice, brief rainstorm. I understand periods of rain and high wind will continue.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 3:15 p.m, I hiked the open trail.
1. American robin
2. Black-capped chickadee
3. Northern flicker
4. American crow* (v)
5. Brown creeper (v)
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American robin, black-capped chickadee, brown creeper, northern flicker