When Jack and I hit the trail this morning, I saw faint curtains streaming from the clouds in the sky and thought, rain. And maybe a little rain did fall out there in the basin under those faint curtains, but none fell on me and my dog.
We had a good hike, though—17 species, most in a while. Got a glimpse of a tanager and three Black-throated Gray Warblers and another coop. Back home in hot, sunny afternoon, a monarch in the garden.
My first rainless experience. Kinda makes you think and wish and hope.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 6:55 a.m. (7:55 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
This bright Memorial Day morning, dog and I were alone on the deer trails for the first three quarters of our hike. Just us and the birds (and a rock squirrel) until other human started trickling up the sides of the sun-splashed foothills.
Of the good selection of species I spied, the funnest was a Brewer’s Sparrow. Only with the week did I hear my first Brewer’s Sparrow song, and it was pretty grand—then today’s bird decided to perform something of a symphony. A long collection of trills on different pitches and with varied lengths and flourishes.
My favorite part of the day, bird-wise. Then again, as a by-hear birder, I do love me some birdsong.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 7 a.m. (8 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
Still snow on the ground from yesterday. Mud on the trails. Chilly, but the sky’e begun to clear. Right away the birds began to announce themselves. Prevailing winds were north-northwesterly, not conducive to easy overnight migration, but there appeared a nice assortment. Also a cottontail.
In a trip to town, a Sharp-shinned Hawk caused the pigeons to skedaddle. Thought I heard another yellow-rump chip, but did not get a look.
Clearer weather on the way, and warmer temps. Anticipation.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 7:30 a.m. (8:30 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.