Overcast, chilly, with a little breeze—and with a nice little assortment of winged species. Two finches, two corvids, two sparrows, two thrushes, and more. (Pretty sure I also heard the song of a Cassin’s Finch, but I need a few more listens to be positive.)
Up little Coyote Canyon, I heard again the slight, lovely sustained song of a Townsend’s Solitaire. Spied the bird and, while taking photos, it stretched, showing the usually hidden colors of its wing.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 8:33 a.m. (MST), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
Warm—50s (F)—and most overcast when dog and I started up the switchback. Big thaw since yesterday (and surely more today). Nowhere near as many birds as the last couple days, but I did manage a dozen species.
That was before I decided on something of a lark to head on up the gully to the summit of the Ridge overlooking Millcreek Canyon. About the time we got up in the airy heights, a warm (for winter) wind began to blow. Which might explain the lower bird numbers. Nice views up there.
It was a long hike—and a good one.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 8:32 a.m. (MST), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
Warm again, though not quite so warm as yesterday. Clear and bright and many birds—even more than yesterday. Legions of robins and juncos again, joined by finches and chickadees and a Chukar and a titmouse and (as usual lately) a cottontail and a few deer.
Yellow-rumped Warbler.
No elk this year, it seems.
However, just dog and me on the high deer trails, chasing (but not finding) Mountain Chickadees and a titmouse. A thaw in progress—too soon, no doubt, but the scent of spring is on everything.
At home, later, I sure enough spied a Yellow-rumped Warbler on the deck. Even got a blurry photo through the window.
And tomorrow will bring another birdy morning.
Grandeur Peak Area List Beginning at 8:32 a.m. (MST), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.