Overcast and rather windy this morning. Warm enough—50s (F)—that dog and I both found it comfortable. The birds were less comfortable with the windy conditions, however: only six species today. Among them, notably, was a pair of wind-blown, first-of-year Turkey Vultures.
The deer didn’t mind, though—And in afternoon, in the front garden, a visit by a quail.
(No rain today after all, but the possibility of thundershowers tomorrow.)
Grandeur Peak Area List
At 7:56 a.m., sun time, I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.
1. American Robin**
2. House Finch* (v)
3. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay
4. Turkey Vulture†
5. Pine Siskin (v)
6. Eurasian Collared-dove* (v)
7. Song Sparrow
8. Rock Pigeon
9. California Gull
10. California Quail
Mule Deer
(v) Voice only
*Also Elsewhere
**Voice only Elsewhere
Tags: American robin, California gull, California quail, Eurasian collared dove, house finch, mule deer, pine siskin, rock pigeon, song sparrow, turkey vulture, Woodhouse’s scrub jay