17 February 2025

A Good Walk

Saturday, May 29th, 2021
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, East Millcreek, Salt Lake City, Utah, 29 May 2021.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

Pretty quiet this calm, lovely morning up along the deer trails. Coolish still, and dry. I wonder each morning why it’s different from the morning before—and the morning before that. They’re all different, sometimes subtly so, and sometimes vastly.

Not nearly as many species today as in recent days. I imagine migration is diminishing apace. (Did hear one bird I couldn’t identify—and couldn’t track down.) Nests are active. Not nearly as much singing going on.

Each day is different, year round. Just as every season is different from the previous year’s. Makes me wonder. And any hike that makes me wonder is a good walk. (Not sure I’ve ever had a bad one.)

Grandeur Peak Area List
Beginning at 7:28 a.m. (8:28 MDT), I hiked a few hundred feet up a mountain.

1. Lazuli Bunting
2. Spotted Towhee
3. American Robin*
4. Black-headed Grosbeak (v)
5. Black-chinned Hummingbird
6. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
7. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay
8. Pine Siskin (v)
9. House Finch**
10. Chipping Sparrow
11. Black-billed Magpie
12. Warbling Vireo
13. Black-capped Chickadee
14. Orange-crowned Warbler (v)
15. Song Sparrow** (v)


16. Eurasian Collared-dove


Rock Squirrel

(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere

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Bird Report is a (sometimes intermittent) record of the birds I encounter while hiking, see while driving, or spy outside my window. —Brian Willson

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