Somehow, during my hike with dog this morning, I found myself stepping off the trail and climbing up toward the high rocky outcrop. Perhaps because of the Chukar I spied high on the ridge (second such sighting in two days). Perhaps because the deer trails were less muddy than the human ones. Whatever the reason, I’m glad I did.
We ended up ascending about 1,000 feet up—to 6,077 feet above sea level. On the way, I got closer to a Golden Eagle than I ever have. And I confirmed my casual theory that eagles might be a threat to Chukars (since, when the former took flight, it spooked one of the latter, which flew screaming down the mountainside).
We ended up above a herd of mule deer, Jack and I. The view was glorious.
Grandeur Peak Area List
Beginning at 9 a.m., I hiked about a thousand feet up the mountain.
1. American Robin* (v)
2. Black-billed Magpie*
3. Black-capped Chickadee
4. House Finch* (v)
5. Dark-eyed Junco (v)
6. Spotted Towhee
7. Northern Flicker** (v)
8. Chukar
9. Woodhouse’s Scrub-jay (v)
10. Golden Eagle
11. Common Raven
12. Song Sparrow* (v)
13. Pine Siskin (V)
14. European Starling
15. Lesser Goldfinch (v)
16. California Quail
Mule Deer
(v) Voice only
*Also elsewhere
**Voice only elsewhere
Tags: American robin, black-billed magpie, black-capped chickadee, California quail, chukar, common raven, dark-eyed junco, European starling, golden eagle, house finch, lesser goldfinch, mule deer, northern flicker, pine siskin, song sparrow, spotted towhee, Woodhouse’s scrub jay