Another day of slight sounds and subtle movements. Today dawned overcast, and a little thundershower blew through, but it had dried up just in time for my daily hike with dog. The sun had even emerged, and a little breeze had kicked up. Here’s the rundown:
After a few minutes, I heard chickadees.
After a few more, I heard a catbird mew—then spotted the bird well hidden in a tangle of brambles.
Nothing else until we got to the upper fields, when we paused so I could check the productive little thicket. Heard a flutter of wings, the looked up to see a tail-wagging phoebe perched on a bare twig not a dozen feet away. Nice.
Coming up the final stretch before the summit, I heard another flutter and somehow managed to catch sight of a male yellowthroat poking about deep in a shady bush.
Returning down that same stretch, I heard exactly four notes from a goldfinch flying away.
Entering the lower woods, I saw something flitting through the understory and got a look at a hermit thrush perched in the dim shadows.
Heard two or three distant calls of a flicker.
Heard three or four wood-pewees.
Heard a faraway crow.
As we passed through the last of the deep woods, I heard more chickadees and stopped to look for them high in the canopy. Not only did I spot the chickadees but also a pair of nuthatches poking about up there.
Entering the overgrown curve before the little woodland pool, I heard—then saw—a young cedar waxwing levitra prix.
Frankly, that was way more birds than I imagined I’d see up there today.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 4:45 p.m., I hiked the wooded trails.
1. Black-capped chickadee
2. Gray catbird
3. Eastern phoebe
4. Common yellowthroat
5. American goldfinch (v)
6. Hermit thrush
7. Northern flicker (v)
8. Eastern wood-pewee (v)
9. American crow* (v)
10. White-breasted nuthatch
11. Cedar waxwing
12. Herring gull
13. Mourning dove
v = Voice only
* Also elsewhere
Tags: American crow, American goldfinch, black-capped chickadee, Cedar waxwing, common yellowthroat, eastern phoebe, eastern wood-pewee, gray catbird, hermit thrush, herring gull, mourning dove, northern flicker, white-breasted nuthatch