This was kind of a cold one. It even ended up spitting a little snow there for a minute. Might explain why Jack and I were the only human and dog at Beech Hill Preserve when we hiked the hill last this afternoon. At least the deep snow had crusted over, so walking was a lot easier than it was yesterday. Gray, with a hazy sun hanging faintly in the sky, headed down.
This morning, when I took Jack out first thing, I saw a little flock of crows flying fast away toward the east, and I saw what they were flying toward, and it was a hawk. The hawk, getting annoyed, veered over in our direction and flew directly overhead, crows dive-bombing it—even one hollering Herring Gull was dive-bombing it. Wished I’d had my camera. (Sometimes I take it out first thing, too, just in case.) What that told me is hawks are moving northward—as this one was—in kind of a leisurely fashion, as they do in spring.
No woodcocks yet, though.
Beech Hill List
Beginning at 4:15 p.m., I hiked the open trail.
1. Mourning Dove
2. American Crow*
3. Northern Flicker
4. American Robin*
5. Herring Gull
6. Red-tailed Hawk
7. Rock Pigeon
8. Mallard
v = Voice only
*Also elsewhere